Oubli mon problème initial, ca t'aidera à mieux comprendre
quand je sélectionne notification info, j'ai ce type de mail
Event: [System] "samba" login failure from IP
Event: [Terminal] SSH service enabled.
Event: [System] System starts.
Event: [DDNS] NAS WAN IP has changed to
Event: [System] System is shutting down.
Event: [Hardware] Scheduled system power off.
Event: [System] "ADM" login failure from IP
pour faire avancer le sujet
, peux tu juste me dire quand j'aurais des mails pour :
warning, error, critical ?

quand je sélectionne notification info, j'ai ce type de mail
Event: [System] "samba" login failure from IP
Event: [Terminal] SSH service enabled.
Event: [System] System starts.
Event: [DDNS] NAS WAN IP has changed to
Event: [System] System is shutting down.
Event: [Hardware] Scheduled system power off.
Event: [System] "ADM" login failure from IP
pour faire avancer le sujet

warning, error, critical ?