Qnap [Wing FTP Server] [ ] FTP, HTTP, FTPS, HTTPS, SFTP Server (TRIAL)


Représentant QNAP
2 Janvier 2014
10 562


looking for a professional FTP, HTTP, FTPS, HTTPS and SFTP

Wing FTP Server une solution serveur FTP très fonctionnelle, facile à utiliser et sécuriser qui peut être utilisé sous Windows, Linux, Mac OSX et Solaris.

Il prend en charge un certain nombre de protocoles de transfert de fichiers, y compris FTP, HTTP,FTPS, HTTPS et SFTP, en donnant à vos utilisateurs finaux la flexibilité dans la façon dont ils se connectent au serveur.
Et il fournit aux administrateurs une interface basée sur le Web pour administrer le serveur depuis n’importe où.
Vous pouvez également surveiller les performances du serveur et les sessions en ligne et même recevoir des notifications par courrier électronique sur les événements qui ont lieu sur le serveur.


Logiciel Shareware en version d'essai à 30 jours - Les utilisateurs Qnap peuvent bénéficier d'une remise sur la licence, il suffit de le demander dans le mail ;)

User : qnap
Pass : qnap

à modifier lors de la première installation
Dernière édition:
4.4.7 online ;)

Wing FTP Server v4.4.7              Released: 29/May/2015
Improvement - Signed the Java Applets (JUpload & Jdownload), now you can use them without any problem.
Fixed a security vulnerability – Fixed a CSRF vulnerability under the Web Admin.
Improvement - Improved the web client plugin "Jdownload", and add multiple languages for it.
Fixed a bug - With Linux version, the WebLink password will be 'undefined' when specify an empty password.
updated to 4.4.9

Wing FTP Server v4.4.9              Released: 16/Jun/2015
Improvement - Enhanced the performance of the LDAP Authentication (by caching the LDAP session).
Fixed a bug ¨C With some SFTP client, the uploaded file will be truncated.
Fixed a bug ¨C When enabled the directory list cache, the FTP/SFTP file listing might be incorrect.
Added a feature - Added a new web client plugin "Send Files" and included it in the installer.
Fixed a bug - When downloading file with Google Chrome, non-English file name might be URL encoded.
Fixed a bug - When uploading a folder with the web client plugin "JUpload", the event "OnDirCreated" won't be triggered.
Fixed a bug - Cannot download file/folder with the web client plugin "JDownload", when file/folder name contains special characters.
mise à jour en 4.5.2

Wing FTP Server v4.5.2              Released: 20/Jul/2015
Improvement - Updated OpenSSL to the version 1.0.1p for fixing an OpenSSL security vulnerability.
Added a feature - When using Windows authentication, you can choose Windows NTFS permissions for the home directory.
Fixed a bug - Server might crash when transferring files with FTP protocol.
Improvement - Now supports the server variable "%IP" for the event "OnExceedUSERPASS".
updated 4.5.3 ;)

Wing FTP Server v4.5.3              Released: 7/Aug/2015
Improvement - Added support the SFTP command "SSH_FXP_FSETSTAT".
Improvement - Now you can add message when sending web links.
Improvement - Now you can add message when using the web client plugin "Send Files".
Fixed a bug - When downloading a web link with password, the enter key does not work.
c'est dommage pour le ts-231 il y a plantage pendant l'installation ,
mis à jour en 4.5.6

Wing FTP Server v4.5.6              Released: 8/Oct/2015
Fixed a bug - Can not access all the virtual folders, this bug is introduced in the previous version.
Fixed a security bug ¨C Fixed an XSS vulnerability under the Online Text Editor.
mise à jour en 4.7.0

Wing FTP Server v4.7.0              Released: 22/Mar/2016
Improvement - Changed the SSH library into libssh.
Improvement - Now SSH cipher modes includes CTR mode.
Improvement - Substantially improved the SFTP download performance.
Improvement - Supports more ssh key exchange methods and MAC hashes.
Improvement - Removed the ssh host key manager, now WingFTP can generate the ssh host key automatically.
Fixed a bug - Cannot download 0-size file through FTP protocol, this bug was introduced in the previous version.