QNAP [Wing FTP Server] [ ] FTP, HTTP, FTPS, HTTPS, SFTP Server (TRIAL)

Le msg d'erreur : Avertissement 2022-06-25 13:00:54 mon_compte_avec_droit_admin IP_de_mon_pc File Station File Transfer [File Station] Failed to copy "/image_de_vacances_2020.png". Failed to access the file.
essaye peut être de réappliquer les droit au partage dans QTS pour l'utilisateur, cela devrait réappliqué récursivement les ACL aux répertoires et fichiers (sauf si dans les options de partages avancées tu as activé les droits sur les sous dossier et le windows ACL)
J'ai retiré et remis les droits admin à mon autre compte.
J'ai retiré et remis les droits aux dossiers qui sont des dossiers de partages sans snapshots.
Je n'ai pas activé le mode ACL.
rien ne change :(
Hello problème résolu obligé d appliquer la liste des droits à nouveau sur tous les dossiers et sous dossiers.

Autres problèmes en version free le sftp n est pas possible, je vais devoir trouver un autre logiciel car pour une utilisation privée et sécurisé c'est problématique.
Si vous avez des conseils, je suis preneur. Merci

Wing FTP Server v7.1.1Released: 4/Jul/2022​

  • Improvement - Added a system option "SQLite DB Folder", it is used to specify a folder for storing SQLite db file "bookmark_db".
  • Improvement - Added a button "Clear Log" under Server Log/Admin Log interface.
  • Improvement - Will update the field "Expired" in real time in the WebLink Manager interface.
  • Fixed a bug - Cannot print the html tags in the Administration Console interface.
Avez-vous un lien qui fonctionne pour le téléchargement de la dernière version du serveur FTP Wing pour QNAP ?
Wing FTP Server v7.1.2 Released: 9/Aug/2022
Fixed a bug - Can't startup WingFTP service in Windows Server 2019 (with the latest update installed).
Improvement - Now you can get the vaule for variable "%Name" in the event OnExceedUSERPASS.
Improvement - Now anti-hammering feature will be available when using SSH public key authentication.
Improvement - Removed SITE MSG command and improved SITE HELP command.
Fixed a bug - Sometimes cannot open "Purchase" or "Install Update" page with the tray application.
Wing FTP Server v7.1.4 Released: 7/Sep/2022
Fixed a bug - Can't download a file which filename includes special characters, this bug was introduced in v7.1.3.
Fixed a bug - Can't jump into a subfolder which folder name includes special characters, this bug was introduced in v7.1.3.
Improvement - Now supported milliseconds timestamp for domain logs, you can enable the option "Domain > Settings > General Settings > Domain Log > Display timestamp with milliseconds".
Improvement - Now will flush SSH debug logs into the file "Log/ssh_debug_log", previsouly writing debug logs might be delayed.
Improvement - The read-only admin or domain admin now can't see the detailed weblink under "Audit & Report".

Wing FTP Server v7.1.3 Released: 29/Aug/2022
Fixed a bug - When using ODBC storage with an Oracle database, you may encounter an issue "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded".
Fixed a bug - If clients don't send "OPTS UTF8 ON" or "CLNT" request, FTP transfer may fail with a Chinese (or non-English) filename.
Improvement - Now support opening items (like editing a user) by double clicking in the Tray application.
Improvement - Improved the local encoding compatibility when disabling the FTP option "OPTS UTF8 ON".
Improvement - FTP server will return an empty result even if there is no LIST permission.
Improvement - Improved the user listing interface when using ODBC/Mysql database.

Wing FTP Server v7.1.5Released: 27/Sep/2022​

  • Improvement - Improved the Lua script editor in Event Manager and Task Scheduler, now supports syntax highlighting.
  • Improvement - The HTTP Event "OnUserDisconnect" won't be triggered when closing the web browser directly.
  • Fixed a bug - Unzip operation may abort due to the internal filename's encoding.
  • Improvement - The filename of server logs might be wrong in some situation.
  • Improvement - The text editor in web client now supports syntax highlighting for Lua script.
hello, the link qnapclub.eu/fr/qpkg/284 for download the last version is KO.
Do you have an other link ?
Thank you
Wing FTP Server v7.1.7


Released: 20/Dec/2022

Added a feature - Now support two-factor authentication (TOTP) for the web administration.
Fixed a bug - WingFTP should terminate the related admin sessions when removing an admin account.
Fixed a bug - Now WingFTP will terminate the related online sessions when disabling a user account.
Improvement - Updated the Help Document for the administration.
Improvement - Shows the last 5 login history under "Administrator -> Accounts".
updated to 7.2.0

Wing FTP Server v7.2.0 Released: 20/Mar/2023
Now support FastUDP mode for Wing Gateway's HTTPS listener, it is designed to accelerate file transfers for high latency network.
Fixed a bug - The SFTP server might crash when using WinSCP with some special parameters.
Improvement - Cannot add/modify or delete the domain listeners occasionally.
Improvement - Clicking the button "Clear Log" or "Kick All" won't take effect sometimes.
Improvement - Simplified the UI for the SSL certificate creation.

Wing FTP Server v7.1.9 Released: 6/Mar/2023
Fixed a bug - Fixed two CSRF vulnerabilities in web administration/web client.
Fixed a bug - Fixed a DOM XSS vulnerability related to Weblink in web client.
Fixed a bug - SFTP server will return an error "File can not be locked" occasionally.
Improvement - All the admin sessions will be cleaned up after restarting WingFTP service.

Wing FTP Server v7.1.8 Released: 10/Feb/2023
Improvement - Updated OpenSSL and fixed a few OpenSSL vulnerabilities like CVE-2023-0286, CVE-2023-0215.
Fixed a bug - Cannot specify the custom file path for server/domain/admin logs.
Improvement - Now you can search weblinks by the username under WebLink Manager.
Improvement - Increased the socket timeout when accepting the connection from Wing Gatewa