- Improvement - Added a system option "SQLite DB Folder", it is used to specify a folder for storing SQLite db file "bookmark_db".
- Improvement - Added a button "Clear Log" under Server Log/Admin Log interface.
- Improvement - Will update the field "Expired" in real time in the WebLink Manager interface.
- Fixed a bug - Cannot print the html tags in the Administration Console interface.
Fixed a bug - Can't startup WingFTP service in Windows Server 2019 (with the latest update installed).
Improvement - Now you can get the vaule for variable "%Name" in the event OnExceedUSERPASS.
Improvement - Now anti-hammering feature will be available when using SSH public key authentication.
Improvement - Removed SITE MSG command and improved SITE HELP command.
Fixed a bug - Sometimes cannot open "Purchase" or "Install Update" page with the tray application.
Wing FTP Server v7.1.4 Released: 7/Sep/2022
Fixed a bug - Can't download a file which filename includes special characters, this bug was introduced in v7.1.3.
Fixed a bug - Can't jump into a subfolder which folder name includes special characters, this bug was introduced in v7.1.3.
Improvement - Now supported milliseconds timestamp for domain logs, you can enable the option "Domain > Settings > General Settings > Domain Log > Display timestamp with milliseconds".
Improvement - Now will flush SSH debug logs into the file "Log/ssh_debug_log", previsouly writing debug logs might be delayed.
Improvement - The read-only admin or domain admin now can't see the detailed weblink under "Audit & Report".
Wing FTP Server v7.1.3 Released: 29/Aug/2022
Fixed a bug - When using ODBC storage with an Oracle database, you may encounter an issue "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded".
Fixed a bug - If clients don't send "OPTS UTF8 ON" or "CLNT" request, FTP transfer may fail with a Chinese (or non-English) filename.
Improvement - Now support opening items (like editing a user) by double clicking in the Tray application.
Improvement - Improved the local encoding compatibility when disabling the FTP option "OPTS UTF8 ON".
Improvement - FTP server will return an empty result even if there is no LIST permission.
Improvement - Improved the user listing interface when using ODBC/Mysql database.
- Improvement - Improved the Lua script editor in Event Manager and Task Scheduler, now supports syntax highlighting.
- Improvement - The HTTP Event "OnUserDisconnect" won't be triggered when closing the web browser directly.
- Fixed a bug - Unzip operation may abort due to the internal filename's encoding.
- Improvement - The filename of server logs might be wrong in some situation.
- Improvement - The text editor in web client now supports syntax highlighting for Lua script.
Added a feature - Now support two-factor authentication (TOTP) for the web administration.
Fixed a bug - WingFTP should terminate the related admin sessions when removing an admin account.
Fixed a bug - Now WingFTP will terminate the related online sessions when disabling a user account.
Improvement - Updated the Help Document for the administration.
Improvement - Shows the last 5 login history under "Administrator -> Accounts".