Source : http://yacy.net/en/
X86 version : http://www.positiv-it.fr/QNAP/APP/YaCy_1.82.0_x86.qpkg.zip
Note :
listen on port 8090
administration :
After about 10 minutes a random password is generated and then it is not possible to log in from
a remote location. If you install YaCy on a server that is not your workstation, then you must set an administration account immediately
after the first start-up. Open:
set a new admin password (SSH) :
/opt/YacY/yacy/bin/passwd.sh "your_password"
Dependency :
QJDK7 : http://www.positiv-it.fr/QNAP/APP/QJDK7_1.7.75_x86.qpkg.zip
About :