Qnap VM sur NUC, et Server donnée Qnap

mais ton share tu le montes sur la vm? alors c'est tonfstab?

je te rapelle que tu es sur un forum grand public sur les nas, je pense que tu auras plus de réponses à ton sujet sur des forums comme smpfr.info ou hardware.Fr, vu le sujet

voir ici pour proxmox https://forum.hardware.fr/forum2.php?config=hfr.inc&cat=11&subcat=208&post=74419&page=1&p=1&sondage=0&owntopic=1&trash=0&trash_post=0&print=0&numreponse=0&quote_only=0&new=0&nojs=0
Je monte en NFS, et non j'ai pas test sur d'autre VM car pour l'instant c'est ma première a part Jeedom ( ou j'ai pas le besoin de monter les partages ) pour l'instant

Envoyé de mon Mi MIX 2S en utilisant Tapatalk

j'ai eu pas mal de soucis avec le NFS, c'est pas évident à mettre en place, du coup mes shares sur mon pc (mon pc est sous linux mint) vers mon nas sont en cifs plus simple.
regardes peut-être de ce coté la
Merci de ta réponse j'vais Voir comment ça se configure le cifs

Envoyé de mon Mi MIX 2S en utilisant Tapatalk

PS :CIFS/SMB même combat ;)
heuu c'est pour nfs ça non?
et encore ça parle que du fstab

Mounting CIFS + SMB network shares for Plex use

The basic checklist

Prepare the NAS
Create the CIFS/SMB credentials file for use in /etc/fstab
Create a ‘mount point’ directory structure on your Linux machine which will be where all your media shares are grafted and made available for Plex use.
Create an entry in /etc/fstab for each share you wish to mount.
Mount and debug as needed
Ca t'a amené a la mauvaise ligne ...

A. Prepare the NAS.
This is unique to each NAS. In general, you only need grant read permission. Should you desire Read/Write for yourself, we will allow for it

On Linux, Plex uses username plex. The username plex is the most desirable username to use for your NAS as well.

Add username plex to the NAS. If it requires a password, assign it one and you can use it later if/when needed.
Edit the share permissions for your NAS to either export
2a. “Read-only” to your LAN (all hosts) for all usernames -or-
2b. “Read-write” for your username, and Read-only for plex
B. Create the credentials file to pass to the CIFS / SMB server during mount
Create a file to hold the username and password to use. In this example, /etc/plex.cred is used
Using any text editor, create /etc/plex.cred with the following content

ça c'est bon
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domain=CIFS/SMB domain (this is only required if the CIFS/SMB server requires it)
C. Create the Mount Point directory structure
It usually makes the most sense to create a structure which mirrors your NAS’s shares

An example structure might be:

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To create this, we simply supply the Linux commands to create the structure and supply the basic permissions to those directories:

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sudo sh
mkdir /nas /nas/movies /nas/movies2 /nas/children /nas/tv /nas/cartoons /nas/photos /nas/music
chmod -R 755 /nas

ça ca resseble a ce que j'ai fait pour NFS
D. Create the entries to mount the NAS shares at their target locations.
Each nas vendor has a different pathname conventions. Please follow the documentation for your NAS.
In this example, Synology’s and QNAP’s conventions will be shown.
The photos library will be mounted Read-only to prevent accidental deletion by anyone.

The example systems are a twin volume Synology DiskStation and a single volume QNAP system

You will notice the two nas units are seamlessly blended together here. In the end, Plex will complete the blending into a single library if so desired.

/etc/fstab has the following entries added to it. These will require testing and possible adjustment for your NAS and configuration. NFS is shown here first.

if you have defined the hosts syno and qnap in /etc/hosts, you may use their names here otherwise use their IP addresses.
You may always use hostname or IP address interchangeably as long as there is a definitive resolution.

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//syno/volume1/movies /nas/movies cifs auto,defaults,nofail,credentials=/etc/plex.cred,uid=plex 0 0
//qnap/share/movies2 /nas/movies2 cifs auto,defaults,nofail,credentials=/etc/plex.cred,uid=plex 0 0
//syno/volume1/children /nas/children cifs auto,defaults,nofail,credentials=/etc/plex.cred,uid=plex 0 0
//syno/volume2/tv /nas/tv cifs auto,defaults,nofail,credentials=/etc/plex.cred,uid=plex 0 0
//qnap/share/cartoons /nas/cartoons cifs auto,defaults,nofail,credentials=/etc/plex.cred,uid=plex 0 0

# Two NFS examples in to the same NAS units
# QNAP is .21 /nas/photos nfs auto,defaults,nofail,ro 0 0

# Syno is .23 /nas/music nfs auto,defaults,nofail 0 0
Save the file and now we begin testing.

E. Begin verifying and testing the new mount points
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sudo sh
mount -avt cifs # each will attempt to mount and give dialog as it does. Look for "successfully mounted"

# follow up by seeing what actually is mounted

# check to see if you have visibility into each share

cd /nas
ls * # This will list all the top level output from each share and will be voluminous so be prepared
If you have made any errors, you may work at the individual mount level

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sudo sh
mount /nas/movies

ls /nas/movies

# Um, that didn't work right... Change mount in /etc/fstab
umount /nas/movies

# After editing, try it again
mount /nas/movies
Repeat the above until you’re happy with all

There is one final step which will often help avoid permission issues on Linux systems (should the NAS be very security conscious)
This sets the permissions of the directories after they have been mounted too, effectively tweaking the NAS permissions a bit looser (read-only)

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sudo chmod 755 /nas/*
All your network (NAS) media is now available to PMS starting with the /nas folder at the top.

For additional information and available options for CIFS/SMB mounts, type man mount.cifs in a terminal window

C'est toute cette partie qui est a revoir je pense non ?
faudrais que je check comment j'ai fait sur mon libreelec en fait j'ai pas documenté cette install :geek:
sinon https://forum.hardware.fr/forum2.php?config=hfr.inc&cat=11&subcat=204&post=12264&page=1&p=1&sondage=0&owntopic=1&trash=0&trash_post=0&print=0&numreponse=0&quote_only=0&new=0&nojs=0
J'suis allé voir ces topic qui parle pour l'un de l'installation d'OMV , et l'autre de linux en général
Je ne vois pas de topic concernant les partages cifs
sir_siegfrieds a dit:
J'suis allé voir ces topic qui parle pour l'un de l'installation d'OMV , et l'autre de linux en général
Je ne vois pas de topic concernant les partages cifs

ça n'en parle pas spécialement mais il y a là-bas des personnes encore plus compétantes que moi qui pourront plus t'aider !
n'oublies pas de documenter ce que tu fais pour savoir le refaire plus tard et éventuellement partager avec les communautés !
C'est ce que j'essaie de faire .
Je me fais ma propre expérience, et dès que je trouve la solution j'essaie de le partager sur un ou deux forum . Ainsi il restera une trace pour moi mais surtout pour d'autre :)

Envoyé de mon Mi MIX 2S en utilisant Tapatalk