QNAP [ QSickBeard ] [ 150716 ] Personal video recorder


Représentant QNAP
2 Janvier 2014
10 604

Source : http://sickbeard.com/

Download :

x86 version : http://www.positiv-it.fr/QNAP/APP/QSickBeard_1.150716_x86.qpkg.zip

Note :

Listen on port 4001 (make the change within the Webui config to allow SB restart correctly)

About :

Sick Beard is a PVR for newsgroup users (with limited torrent support). It watches for new episodes of your favorite shows and when they are posted it downloads them, sorts and renames them, and optionally generates metadata for them. It currently supports NZBs.org, NZBMatrix, NZBs'R'Us, Newzbin, Womble's Index, NZB.su, TVTorrents and EZRSS and retrieves show information from theTVDB.com and TVRage.com.


hi guys,

Thanks again for this updated version of sickbeard.

Everthing seems to work as normal, apart from trying to change the port #.

Everytime i change the port # on the web GUI it saves ok and the config file changes also, but when i restart it does not open on the new port, it is always stuck on port 4001

Any ideas

yes i am forcing using this port to avoid conflict with QTS, you can change it modifying manually /etc/init.d/QSickBeard.sh

$PYTHON SickBeard.py --port=4001 --datadir=$SICK/DATAS --config=$SICK/DATAS/setting.conf --daemon

QoolBox a dit:

yes i am forcing using this port to avoid conflict with QTS, you can change it modifying manually /etc/init.d/QSickBeard.sh

$PYTHON SickBeard.py --port=4001 --datadir=$SICK/DATAS --config=$SICK/DATAS/setting.conf --daemon


Perfect once again..... thankyou