QNAP [ QPython3 ] [ 3.8.6 ] Python3 + tons of modules


Représentant QNAP
2 Janvier 2014
10 599

source : https://www.python.org/


cross compiled with the following modules :

Package                        Version
------------------------------ -----------
about                          5.2
AccessControl                  4.1
ackg                           0.0.5
acky                           0.2.3
acme                           1.0.0
AcquireRouterIP                1.0.2
Acquisition                    4.6
ActionTree                     0.12.0
Active-SQLAlchemy              0.4.0
activecache                    0.1.3
activedirectory                0.14
address                        0.1.1
AdHoc                          0.3.2
adict                          0.1.7
admin-bootstrap                0.7.0
admin-extra-urls               2.1.0
admincsvimport                 0.1
advanced-ssh-config            1.1.0
AdvancedHTMLParser             8.1.8
AdvancedHTTPServer             2.2.0
aiocoap                        0.3
aiogrpc                        1.6
aiohttp                        3.6.2
airbrake                       2.1.2
ajax                           3.0.0
ajaxuploader                   0.3.8
alabaster                      0.7.12
alchy                          2.2.2
alcohol                        0.5
altgraph                       0.16.1
alto                           0.4
amazing                        1.0.0
amqp                           2.5.2
android-backup                 0.2.0
aniso8601                      1.2.1
anki-vector                    0.6.0
anodyne                        1.0.1
Anthrax                        0.1.0
antiseptic                     0.1.2
anyjson                        0.3.3
apache-libcloud                2.6.1
apispec                        1.3.3
app-monitor                    0.1.3
appdirs                        1.4.3
apply                          1.5
APScheduler                    3.5.0
asgiref                        3.2.3
asn1crypto                     1.2.0
astroid                        2.3.3
async-timeout                  3.0.1
attrs                          19.3.0
AuthEncoding                   4.1
Authomatic                     1.0.0
Automat                        0.8.0
Babel                          2.7.0
babelfish                      0.5.5
bcrypt                         3.1.7
Beaker                         1.11.0
beautifulsoup4                 4.8.1
blinker                        1.4
blockdiag                      1.5.4
bluepy                         1.3.0
borg.localrole                 3.1.6
boto                           2.49.0
boto3                          1.10.33
botocore                       0.45.0
bottle                         0.12.18
BTrees                         4.6.1
calmjs.parse                   1.2.1
casttube                       0.2.0
celery                         4.3.0
certbot                        1.0.0
certifi                        2019.11.28
cffi                           1.13.2
Chameleon                      3.6.2
chardet                        3.0.4
cheroot                        8.2.1
CherryPy                       18.5.0
Click                          7.0
clint                          0.3.1
closure                        20191111
closure-linter                 2.3.13
cloud-resolve-conflicts        0.0.8
collective.monkeypatcher       1.2
colorama                       0.4.1
colorclass                     2.2.0
ConfigArgParse                 0.15.1
configobj                      5.0.6
configparser                   4.0.2
constantly                     15.1.0
construct                      2.9.45
CouchDB                        1.2
coverage                       4.5.4
cryptography                   2.8
cssprefixer                    1.4.1
cssselect                      1.1.0
cssutils                       1.0.2
cycler                         0.10.0
Cython                         0.29.14
DateTime                       4.3
dateutils                      0.6.7
db-backup                      0.1.3
decorator                      4.4.1
defusedxml                     0.6.0
deploy                         1.9.1
dexml                          0.5.1
diazo                          1.3.0
distro                         1.4.0
Django                         3.0
django-appconf                 1.0.3
django-auth-ldap               2.1.0
django-braces                  1.13.0
django-celery                  3.3.1
django-cors-headers            3.2.0
django-coverage                1.2.4
django-database-files          0.1
django-debug-toolbar           2.1
django-docopt-command          1.0.0
django-formtools               2.1
django-health-check            3.11.1
django-otp                     0.7.4
django-phonenumber-field       1.3.0
django-social-auth             0.7.28
django-tastypie                0.14.2
django-two-factor-auth         1.9.1
django-user-sessions           1.6.0
djangorestframework            3.10.3
dnspython                      1.16.0
docopt                         0.6.2
DocumentTemplate               3.1b2
docutils                       0.15.2
dogpile.cache                  0.9.0
dropbox                        9.4.0
DTLSSocket                     0.1.10
elasticsearch                  7.1.0
entrypoints                    0.3
enum-compat                    0.0.3
enzyme                         0.4.1
ExtensionClass                 4.4
fab                            2.0.1
fabric                         2.5.0
factory-boy                    2.12.0
fakechroot                     0.2.1
Faker                          3.0.0
falcon                         2.0.0
feedparser                     5.2.1
five.customerize               2.0.0
five.grok                      1.3.2
five.intid                     1.2.4
five.localsitemanager          3.2.2
flake8                         3.7.9
Flask                          1.1.1
Flask-AlchemyDumps             0.0.10
Flask-Alchy                    0.5.0
Flask-And-Redis                1.0.0
Flask-AppBuilder               2.2.0
Flask-Babel                    0.12.2
Flask-Boost                    0.7.5
Flask-Compress                 1.4.0
Flask-Cors                     3.0.2
Flask-Dogpile-Cache            0.2
Flask-Dropbox                  0.3
flask-dynamo                   0.1.2
Flask-ErrorHandler             0.1.0
Flask-JWT-Extended             3.24.1
Flask-Login                    0.4.0
Flask-OpenID                   1.2.5
Flask-Principal                0.4.0
Flask-RESTful                  0.3.6
flask-restplus                 0.10.1
Flask-Script                   2.0.6
Flask-SQLAlchemy               2.4.1
Flask-WTF                      0.14.2
FlexGet                        3.0.12
flufl.enum                     4.1.1
FormEncode                     1.3.1
freeze                         1.0.10
fs                             0.5.4
funcparserlib                  0.3.6
furl                           2.1.0
future                         0.18.2
futures                        3.1.1
gdata                          2.0.18
gevent                         1.4.0
glob2                          0.7
gntp                           1.0.3
gnureadline                    6.3.3
googleapis-common-protos       1.6.0
grampg                         0.3.0
greenlet                       0.4.15
grokcore.annotation            3.0.1
grokcore.component             3.1
grokcore.security              3.0.1
grokcore.site                  3.0.3
grokcore.view                  3.1
grokcore.viewlet               3.1.0
grpcio                         1.25.0
guessit                        3.1.0
gunicorn                       20.0.4
html5lib                       0.999999999
httplib2                       0.14.0
humanize                       0.5.1
hurry.filesize                 0.9
hyperlink                      19.0.0
icalendar                      4.0.4
idna                           2.8
ifaddr                         0.1.6
imagesize                      1.1.0
IMDbPY                         6.8
importlib-metadata             1.2.0
incremental                    17.5.0
invoke                         1.3.0
ipaddr                         2.2.0
ipython                        3.1.0
isort                          4.3.21
itsdangerous                   0.24
jaraco.classes                 2.0
jaraco.collections             2.1
jaraco.functools               2.0
jaraco.text                    3.2.0
jieba                          0.39
Jinja2                         2.10.3
jmespath                       0.9.4
josepy                         1.2.0
jsmin                          2.2.2
jsonrpclib                     0.1.7
jsonschema                     2.6.0
keepassdb                      0.2.1
kerberos                       1.3.0
kiwisolver                     1.1.0
kombu                          4.6.6
lazy-object-proxy              1.4.3
ldap3                          2.6.1
lemonade                       1.0b1
linecache2                     1.0.0
logilab-common                 0.63.2
lxml                           4.4.2
Mako                           1.1.0
Markdown                       3.1.1
MarkupSafe                     1.1.1
marshmallow                    2.19.5
marshmallow-enum               1.5.1
marshmallow-sqlalchemy         0.21.0
martian                        1.3.post1
matplotlib                     3.1.2
mccabe                         0.6.1
mechanize                      0.4.4
mimeparse                      0.1.3
Missing                        4.1
mock                           3.0.5
mockup                         3.1.1
modernize                      0.4
more-itertools                 8.0.0
mozilla-logger                 0.2
msgpack-python                 0.5.6
multidict                      4.6.1
MultiMapping                   4.1
netaddr                        0.7.19
netifaces                      0.10.9
ninja                          1.9.0.post1
nltk                           3.4.5
nose                           1.3.7
numpy                          1.17.4
oauth2                         1.9.0.post1
orderedmultidict               1.0.1
packaging                      19.2
Paginator                      0.2.0
pandas                         0.25.3
paramiko                       2.7.0
parsedatetime                  2.5
parsel                         1.5.2
passlib                        1.7.2
Pastebin                       1.1.2
PasteDeploy                    2.0.1
pathlib                        1.0.1
pbr                            5.4.4
pbs                            0.110
peewee                         3.12.0
pep8                           1.7.1
Persistence                    3.0
persistent                     4.5.1
pg8000                         1.10.2
phonenumberslite               8.11.0
phue                           1.1
piexif                         1.1.3
Pillow                         6.2.1
pip                            19.3.1
pip-tools                      4.3.0
plac                           0.9.1
plone.alterego                 1.1.3
plone.api                      1.10.0
plone.app.content              3.7.4
plone.app.contentlisting       2.0.0
plone.app.contentmenu          2.3.0
plone.app.contentrules         4.1.3
plone.app.contenttypes         2.1.5
plone.app.customerize          1.3.10
plone.app.dexterity            2.6.4
plone.app.discussion           3.3.1
plone.app.event                3.2.6
plone.app.i18n                 3.0.5
plone.app.intid                1.1.3
plone.app.layout               3.3.1
plone.app.linkintegrity        3.3.12
plone.app.locales              5.1.19
plone.app.lockingbehavior      1.0.6
plone.app.multilingual         5.4.2
plone.app.portlets             4.4.4
plone.app.querystring          1.4.12
plone.app.redirector           2.1.0
plone.app.registry             1.7.5
plone.app.relationfield        2.0.1
plone.app.testing              6.1.3
plone.app.textfield            1.3.2
plone.app.theming              4.0.3
plone.app.users                2.6.2
plone.app.uuid                 2.0.0
plone.app.versioningbehavior   1.3.8
plone.app.viewletmanager       3.1.0
plone.app.vocabularies         4.1.1
plone.app.widgets              3.0.3
plone.app.workflow             4.0.1
plone.app.z3cform              3.1.3
plone.autoform                 1.8.1
plone.batching                 1.1.5
plone.behavior                 1.3.0
plone.browserlayer             2.2.2
plone.caching                  1.2.1
plone.contentrules             2.0.9
plone.dexterity                2.9.2
plone.directives.form          2.0.3
plone.event                    1.4.0
plone.folder                   3.0.1
plone.formwidget.namedfile     2.0.9
plone.formwidget.recurrence    2.1.3
plone.i18n                     4.0.5
plone.indexer                  1.0.6
plone.intelligenttext          3.0.0
plone.keyring                  3.1.1
plone.locking                  2.2.3
plone.memoize                  2.0.1
plone.namedfile                5.2.0
plone.outputfilters            3.1.2
plone.portlet.collection       3.3.2
plone.portlet.static           3.1.3
plone.portlets                 2.3.1
plone.protect                  4.1.3
plone.registry                 1.1.5
plone.resource                 2.1.1
plone.resourceeditor           3.0.0
plone.rest                     1.6.0
plone.rfc822                   2.0.1
plone.scale                    3.0.3
plone.schema                   1.2.0
plone.schemaeditor             2.1.0
plone.session                  3.7.3
plone.staticresources          1.2.0
plone.stringinterp             1.3.1
plone.subrequest               1.9.1
plone.supermodel               1.4.1
plone.synchronize              1.0.3
plone.testing                  7.0.2
plone.theme                    3.0.6
plone.transformchain           2.0.1
plone.uuid                     1.0.5
plone.z3cform                  1.1.1
plonetheme.barceloneta         2.1.6
plumbum                        1.6.3
ply                            3.11
portend                        2.6
prison                         0.1.2
Products.BTreeFolder2          4.2
Products.CMFCore               2.4.2
Products.CMFDiffTool           3.3.0
Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI     6.0.2
Products.CMFEditions           3.3.3
Products.CMFFormController     4.1.0
Products.CMFPlone              5.2.1rc1
Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool 4.0.1
Products.CMFUid                3.0.1
Products.DateRecurringIndex    3.0.1
Products.DCWorkflow            2.4.0
Products.ExtendedPathIndex     3.4.2
Products.ExternalMethod        4.3
Products.GenericSetup          2.0.1
Products.MailHost              4.7
Products.MimetypesRegistry     2.1.5
Products.PlonePAS              6.0.4
Products.PluggableAuthService  2.2
Products.PluginRegistry        1.8
Products.PortalTransforms      3.1.7
Products.PythonScripts         4.9
Products.Sessions              4.6
Products.SiteErrorLog          5.3
Products.StandardCacheManagers 4.0.3
Products.statusmessages        5.0.4
Products.TemporaryFolder       5.3
Products.ZCatalog              5.0.1
Products.ZopeVersionControl    1.1.4
profilehooks                   1.11.0
progressbar                    2.5
Protego                        0.1.15
protobuf                       3.11.1
psutil                         5.6.7
psycogreen                     1.0.1
psycopg2                       2.8.4
puke                           1.5.22
pushbullet.py                  0.11.0
py                             1.8.0
py-dateutil                    2.2
pyasn1                         0.4.8
pyasn1-modules                 0.2.7
pyCardDAV                      0.7.0
PyChromecast                   4.1.0
pycodestyle                    2.5.0
pycparser                      2.19
pycrawler                      2.1.0
pycrypto                       2.6.1
pydash                         4.7.6
pydbus                         0.6.0
pyDes                          2.0.1
PyDispatcher                   2.0.5
pydot                          1.4.1
pyflakes                       2.1.1
pygeoip                        0.3.2
pygit                          0.1
Pygments                       2.5.2
PyHamcrest                     1.9.0
PyInstaller                    3.5
pyinstrument                   3.0.3
pyinstrument-cext              0.2.2
PyISY                          1.1.2
PyJWT                          1.7.1
pylint                         2.4.4
pymple                         0.1.3
PyMySQL                        0.9.3
PyNaCl                         1.3.0
pynzb                          0.1.0
pyocclient                     0.4
pyOpenSSL                      19.1.0
pyparsing                      2.4.5
pyPdf                          1.13
pyquery                        1.4.1
pyRFC3339                      1.1
PyRSS2Gen                      1.1
pyScss                         1.3.5
pyserial                       3.4
pyspider                       0.3.10
pysrt                          1.1.1
pytagcloud                     0.3.5
pytest                         2.9.2
pytest-cov                     2.2.1
python-coveralls               2.7.0
python-dateutil                2.8.1
python-gettext                 4.0
python-gflags                  3.1.2
python-ldap                    3.2.0
python-libnmap                 0.7.0
python-magic                   0.4.15
python-memcached               1.59
python-mimeparse               1.6.0
python-nest                    4.1.0
python-onedrive                15.10.5
python-openid                  2.2.5
python-pushover                0.4
python-stdnum                  1.12
python-xlib                    0.25
python3-openid                 3.1.0
pythonium                      0.6.2
pytradfri                      6.4.0
pytz                           2019.3
pyusb                          1.0.2
PyUserInput                    0.1.11
PyWebDAV                       0.9.8
pyxdg                          0.26
PyYAML                         5.2
qrcode                         6.1
QueryableList                  3.1.0
queuelib                       1.5.0
rarfile                        3.1
raven                          6.10.0
rebulk                         2.0.0
Record                         3.5
redis                          3.3.11
reportlab                      3.5.32
repoze.lru                     0.7
repoze.xmliter                 0.6
requests                       2.22.0
requests-cache                 0.5.2
requests-toolbelt              0.9.1
RestrictedPython               5.0
roman                          3.2
Routes                         2.4.1
rpyc                           4.0.1
s3transfer                     0.2.1
scandir                        1.10.0
scipy                          1.3.3
Scrapy                         1.8.0
Send2Trash                     1.5.0
seqdiag                        0.9.6
service-identity               18.1.0
setuptools                     41.2.0
sh                             1.12.14
simplejson                     3.17.0
six                            1.13.0
snowballstemmer                2.0.0
sockjs-tornado                 1.0.0
SocksiPy-branch                1.1
soupsieve                      1.9.5
South                          1.0.2
Sphinx                         2.2.2
sphinx-rtd-theme               0.4.3
sphinxcontrib-applehelp        1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-blockdiag        1.5.5
sphinxcontrib-devhelp          1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp         1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-httpdomain       1.7.0
sphinxcontrib-jsmath           1.0.1
sphinxcontrib-qthelp           1.0.2
sphinxcontrib-seqdiag          0.8.5
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml  1.1.3
spotipy                        2.4.4
SQLAlchemy                     1.3.11
SQLAlchemy-Utils               0.35.0
SQLObject                      3.7.3
sqlparse                       0.3.0
sseclient-py                   1.7
stevedore                      1.31.0
subliminal                     2.0.5
tblib                          1.5.0
tellcore-py                    1.1.3
tempora                        1.8
tempstorage                    5.1
terminaltables                 3.1.0
text-unidecode                 1.3
thrift                         0.13.0
tornado                        6.0.3
traceback2                     1.4.0
transaction                    2.4.0
transmissionrpc                0.11
tvdb-api                       2.0
Twisted                        19.10.0
tzlocal                        1.4
u-msgpack-python               2.5.2
Unidecode                      1.1.1
Unipath                        1.1
unittest2                      1.1.0
urldecode                      0.1
urllib3                        1.25.7
urwid                          2.1.0
VarEvents                      1.0.0
vatnumber                      1.2
vine                           1.3.0
virtualenv                     16.7.8
w3lib                          1.21.0
waitress                       1.3.1
web2py-utils                   0.0.13.dev0
Webalchemy                     0.3.8
webcolors                      1.10
webencodings                   0.5.1
webkit2png                     0.8.2
WebOb                          1.8.5
websocket-client               0.56.0
WebTest                        2.0.33
Werkzeug                       0.16.0
wrapt                          1.11.2
WsgiDAV                        3.0.1
WSGIProxy2                     0.4.6
WTForms                        2.2.1
xlwt                           1.3.0
xmldirector.plonecore          2.1.1
xmltodict                      0.12.0
yarl                           1.4.2
yolk                           0.4.3
yuicompressor                  2.4.8
z3c.autoinclude                0.3.9
z3c.caching                    2.2
z3c.form                       4.1.2
z3c.formwidget.query           0.17
z3c.objpath                    1.2
z3c.pt                         3.2.0
z3c.relationfield              0.9.0
z3c.zcmlhook                   1.0b1
zc.buildout                    2.13.2
zc.lockfile                    2.0
zc.relation                    1.1.post2
ZConfig                        3.5.0
zdaemon                        4.3
ZEO                            5.2.1
zeroconf                       0.24.0
zExceptions                    4.1
zipp                           0.6.0
ZODB                           5.5.1
ZODB3                          3.11.0
zodbpickle                     2.0.0
Zope                           4.1.3
zope.annotation                4.7.0
zope.app.locales               4.1
zope.authentication            4.4.0
zope.browser                   2.3
zope.browsermenu               4.4
zope.browserpage               4.4.0
zope.browserresource           4.3
zope.cachedescriptors          4.3.1
zope.component                 4.6
zope.componentvocabulary       2.2.0
zope.configuration             4.3.1
zope.container                 4.3.0
zope.contentprovider           4.2.1
zope.contenttype               4.4
zope.copy                      4.2
zope.deferredimport            4.3.1
zope.deprecation               4.4.0
zope.dottedname                4.3
zope.event                     4.4
zope.exceptions                4.3
zope.filerepresentation        4.2.0
zope.globalrequest             1.5
zope.hookable                  5.0.0
zope.i18n                      4.7.0
zope.i18nmessageid             5.0.0
zope.interface                 4.7.1
zope.intid                     4.3.0
zope.keyreference              4.2.0
zope.lifecycleevent            4.3
zope.location                  4.2
zope.login                     2.1.0
zope.pagetemplate              4.4.1
zope.processlifetime           2.3.0
zope.proxy                     4.3.3
zope.ptresource                4.2.0
zope.publisher                 5.1.1
zope.ramcache                  2.3
zope.schema                    4.9.3
zope.security                  5.0
zope.sendmail                  5.0
zope.sequencesort              4.1.2
zope.site                      4.2.2
zope.size                      4.3
zope.structuredtext            4.3
zope.tal                       4.4
zope.tales                     5.0.1
zope.testbrowser               5.5.1
zope.testing                   4.7
zope.traversing                4.3.1
zope.viewlet                   4.2.1
Zope2                          4.0
zopyx.plone.persistentlogger   0.4.9
zxcvbn-python                  4.4.15
Bonjour QoolBox
J'ai installé votre Qpkg Domoticz sur mon TS251 et cela tourne à merveille un grand merci pour votre travail.
Maintenant je voudrais lancer des script Python avec domoticz pour commander mon arduino en USB, connecté grâce au module ch34x.ko que vous avec compilé.
Comme mon script appelle le module pyserial j'ai installé QPython3 car la version de base est en 2.7.5 sans pyserial.

Mais maintenant je ne sais pas comment faire pour lancer mon script avec QPython3
Avec python je fais:
[~] # python /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/domoticz/scripts/python/sam_up.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/domoticz/scripts/python/sam_up.py", line 6, in <module>
    import serial  # bibliothèque permettant la communication série
ImportError: No module named serial

Impossible de lancer Qpyton3
-sh: QPython3: command not found

Encore merci pour votre travail sur Domoticz, c'est vraiment au top

Si vous pouviez me donner des indications sur la façon de lancer QPython3, cela serait super cool, ma migration domoticz de mon RPI vers mon Qnap serait total

/opt/QPython3/bin/python /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/domoticz/scripts/python/sam_up.py

pas certain que pyserial soit dedans

how can I use python 3 to run a script?
The command python3 does not work.

Update: Never mind /opt/QPython3/bin/python3 is the path

Best regards