Qnap [ plex Debrid ] [ 1.230121 ] provides an easy way to add media content to your debrid service/s


Représentant QNAP

Source : https://github.com/itsToggle/plex_debrid

Download :

notes :

1) log in SSH
2 ) use plexdebrid command ( this is added automatically on NAs PATH)
3 ) The script will guide you through the initial setup and the next steps. When setting up plex_debrid, you will be prompted to choose the 5 main services that this script connects:
4 ) Pick and setup at least one content service which plex_debrid should monitor for new content
5 ) Pick and setup a library collection service, which plex_debrid will use to determine your current media collection. If you intend to run a plex server, choose plex.
6 ) Pick and setup a library update service, which plex_debrid will update/refresh after a successful download. If you intent to run a plex server, choose plex.
7 ) Pick and setup a library ignore service, which plex_debrid will use to ignore content. If you intent to run a plex server, choose plex.
8 ) Pick and setup at least one debrid service, which plex_debrid will use to download content.
You're done!
Choose option '1' to run the download automation. Choose option '2' to explore or edit the Settings or open the "settings.json" file the script creates after the first run.
If you dont want the main menu to show when starting the script (for an auto-run setup), navigate to "/Settings/UI Settings/show menu on startup" and set the value to "false".

About :

plex_debrid provides an easy way to add media content to your debrid service/s, which becomes instantly watchable when mounting your debrid service with a personal media server like plex/emby/jellyfin/infuse.
The plex watchlists, trakt watchlists and overseer-requests of specified users are constantly checked for newly added movies/shows and newly released episodes of watchlisted shows.
Once new content is found, torrent indexers are scraped for the best, cached release on selected debrid services.
The torrent is then added to a suitable debrid service and a library refresh is performed to make the newly added content available.

For any debrid-cached content (movies, one-season tv shows or even multi-season tv shows) the entire process from watchlisting content to watching it takes about 10-20 seconds.

Just came across this and install it on my QNAP. All seems to run well up to a point. I can add a movie to my watchlist, and plex debrid finds it, searched my RD API for sources but then fails when adding it to my library. This is the error I found in my Plex logs.

WARN - Error scanning directory, we'll skip and continue: boost::filesystem::last_write_time: No such file or directory [system:2]: "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Movies/Jawan.2023.Extended.Cut.1080p.10bit.DS4K.NF.WEBRip.DDP5.1.ESub.HEVC-The.PunisheR.mkv"

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

Also, looks like realdebrid has an update. Am I able to update it via SSH, or do I need to wait for an updated QNAP app?
Sorry, I'm not fully across the NAS terminal and commands, so I may be be looking at things wrong. I Googled for a command to find Symlinks in a folder and tried it.

ls -la | grep "\->"
lrwxrwxrwx 1 admin administrators 36 2023-11-06 00:58 Apache81 -> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/Apache81/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 admin administrators 54 2023-10-24 08:26 kata -> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/container-station/opt/kata/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 admin administrators 38 2023-11-06 01:01 PlexDebrid -> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/PlexDebrid/

All 3 of these fodlers have the @ symbol at the end. I presume that indicates it's a Symlink?
[/opt] # ls
Apache81@ containerd/ kata@ nasconfig_fs.img.tgz PlexDebrid@

I can go into Apache81 and do a directory listing
[/opt/Apache81] # ls
access_log cmake/ etc/ lib/ make-ca.sh* mk-ca-bundle.pl* sbin@ usr/
Apache81.sh* composer* include/ lib64@ make-cert.pl* php/ share/ var/
bin/ docs/ INFO_BIN libexec/ man/ README.md ssl_request_log
CHANGELOG.md error_log INFO_SRC LICENSE md/ remove-expired-certs.sh* tmp/

and the PlexDebrid one

[/opt/PlexDebrid] # ls
bin/ include/ lib/ lib64@ plexdebrid* plex_debrid/ PlexDebrid.sh* pyvenv.cfg TMPDIR/

The Apache server is running and I can access via http://myIP:881

Tried reinstalling both Apache and the PlexDebrid app, but didn't make a difference. Will try a reboot of the NAS and see if that helps.
Dernière édition:
Did you start SSH with admin ? (need be UID0 to start the script ... if connected with a user with delegation, please do a 'sudo -i' on menu Q/Y to be in command line

will try to get propose an update for this QPKG

Yeah, ran the installs and ssh as root admin (UID 0).

Tried a restart of the NAs and unfortunately same issue. Also updated Plex to the latest on my NAS (running the qpkg)

Didn't mention it before but from the Plex Dedrib side it will stop at the line "[Plex] refreshing show library section/s:"

Around the same time I get that "no such file or directory" error in the Plex log.

I enabled debug logging on Plex Debrid and this is the line it stops on

[06/11/23 01:04:49] [realdebrid] adding cached release: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [06/11/23 01:04:49] [plex] item: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" removed from dcsp [06/11/23 01:04:49] took 7.26s [06/11/23 01:04:51] [plex] refreshing movie library section/s: "Movies" [06/11/23 01:04:51] refreshing plex via url:

Am I supposed to create a new library in Plex linking to a virtual drive that this as mounted or something, then use them in Plex Debrid? I just pointed Plex Debrid to my existing Plex media libraries/folders. Is this right?
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