QNAP [ NZBHydra ] [ 0.2.140 ] Meta search for NZB indexers and the "spiritual successor" to NZBmegasearcH


Représentant QNAP
2 Janvier 2014
10 598

Source : https://github.com/theotherp/nzbhydra

x86 Version : http://www.positiv-it.fr/QNAP/APP/NZBHydra_0.0.1.61_x86.qpkg.zip
x86 Version : http://www.positiv-it.fr/QNAP/APP/NZBHydra_0.0.1.63_x86.qpkg.zip
x86 Version : http://www.positiv-it.fr/QNAP/APP/NZBHydra_0.0.1.69_x86.qpkg.zip
x86 Version : http://www.positiv-it.fr/QNAP/APP/NZBHydra_0.2.120_x86.qpkg.zip

x86 Version : http://www.positiv-it.fr/QNAP/APP/NZBHydra_0.2.140_x86.qpkg.zip
x64 Version : http://www.positiv-it.fr/QNAP/APP/NZBHydra_0.2.140_x86_64.qpkg.zip

About :

NZBHydra is a meta search for NZB indexers and the "spiritual successor" to NZBmegasearcH. It provides easy access to a number of raw and newznab based indexers.


Searches Binsearch, NZBIndex, NZBClub, omgwtfnzbs.org, Womble and most newznab compatible indexers (see https://github.com/theotherp/nzbhydra/issues/20 and https://github.com/theotherp/nzbhydra/wiki/Supported-Search-Types-And-Indexer-Hosts )
Search by IMDB, TMDB, TVDB, TVRage and TVMaze ID (including season and episode) and filter by age and size. If an ID is not supported by an indexer it is attempted to be converted (e.g. TMDB to IMDB)
Rudimentary (for now) query generation, meaning when you search for a movie using e.g. an IMDB ID a query will be generated for raw indexers. Searching for a series season 1 episode 2 will also generate queries for raw indexers, like s01e02 and 1x02
Grouping of results with the same title and of duplicate results, accounting for result posting time, size, group and poster. By default only one of the duplicates is shown. You can provide an indexer score to influence which one that might be.
Mostly compatible with newznab search API (tested with Sonarr, CP and NZB 360).
Either proxy the NZBs from the indexers (keeping all X-NZB headers), redirect or use direct links in search results
Included function to add results (single or a bunch) to SABnzbd or NZBGet(v13+) and show NFOs where available. Option to decide if links are added as links or the NZBs are uploaded. Select category in GUI or define a default.
Statistics on indexers (average response time, share of results, access errors), NZB download history and search history (both via internal GUI and API). Indexers with problems are paused for an increasing time span (like in sonarr)
Reverse proxy compatible. See https://github.com/theotherp/nzbhydra/wiki/Reverse-proxy
mise à jour an 0.2.120

si vous avez des problèmes suite à la mise à jour à partir de la version précédente, il suffit c'est un problème de migration de fichier de configuration qui s'est mal passé.

pour cela supprimer le fichier nzbhydra.conf dans .qpkg/NZBHydra/CONFIG
