Source :
Download :
Qapache Version :
APache73 version :
APache74 version :
APache80 version :
universal without Qapache :
Note :
Dependency : Qapache or APache73 or Apache74 or Apache80
path : /opt/NextCloud
HTTP : 45080
HTTPS : 45083
If you have a blank page after wizard install probably link to argon2 not managed correctly by Nextcloud wizard
added to the config file on last line : /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/NextCloud74/nextcloud/config/config.php
Code:'hashing_default_password' => true,
about :
A safe home for all your data
Access & share your files, calendars, contacts, mail & more from any device, on your terms
Nextcloud puts you in control
Nextcloud puts your data at your fingertips, under your control. You store your photos, calendar, contacts and documents on a server of your choosing, be it at home, a rented server or at one of our providers. Your existing data can stay at that FTP drive at work, dropbox or a NAS you have at home, while you get at it through Nextcloud.
A trusted solution giving you access to all data you care about in one convenient place
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