Source : https://www.isc.org/downloads/dhcp/
Download :
Note :
All IP devices need addresses, and ISC DHCP is the easiest and most efficient way to provide them. ISC DHCP is open source software that implements the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for connection to an IP network. It is production-grade software that offers a complete solution for implementing DHCP servers, relay agents, and clients for small local networks to large enterprises. ISC DHCP solution supports both IPv4 and IPv6, and is suitable for use in high-volume and high-reliability applications.
Le protocole DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (en) : « Protocole de configuration dynamique des hôtes » (fr)) est un service réseau TCP/IP. Il permet aux ordinateurs clients l'obtention automatique d'une configuration réseau. Il évite la configuration de chaque ordinateur manuellement. Les ordinateurs configurés pour utiliser DHCP n'ont pas le contrôle de leur configuration réseau qu'ils reçoivent du serveur DHCP. La configuration est totalement transparente pour l'utilisateur.
[/opt/ISCDHCP/bin] # ./dhcpd --help
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Server 4.3.3-P1
Copyright 2004-2016 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
Usage: dhcpd [-p <UDP port #>] [-f] [-d] [-q] [-t|-T]
[-4|-6] [-cf config-file] [-lf lease-file]
[-tf trace-output-file]
[-play trace-input-file]
[-pf pid-file] [--no-pid] [-s server]
[if0 [...ifN]]
If you think you have received this message due to a bug rather
than a configuration issue please read the section on submitting
bugs on either our web page at www.isc.org or in the README file
before submitting a bug. These pages explain the proper
process and the information we find helpful for debugging..
dhclient --help
Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client 4.2.7
Copyright 2004-2014 Internet Systems Consortium.
All rights reserved.
For info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/
Usage: dhclient [-4|-6] [-SNTP1dvrx] [-nw] [-p <port>] [-D LL|LLT]
[-s server-addr] [-cf config-file] [-lf lease-file]
[-pf pid-file] [--no-pid] [-e VAR=val]
[-sf script-file] [interface]
If you did not get this software from ftp.isc.org, please
get the latest from ftp.isc.org and install that before
requesting help.
If you did get this software from ftp.isc.org and have not
yet read the README, please read it before requesting help.
If you intend to request help from the dhcp-bugs at isc.org
mailing list, please read the section on the README about
submitting bug reports and requests for help.
Please do not under any circumstances send requests for
help directly to the authors of this software - please
send them to the appropriate mailing list as described in
the README file.
dhcrelay --help
Usage: dhcrelay [-4] [-d] [-q] [-a] [-D]
[-A <length>] [-c <hops>] [-p <port>]
[-pf <pid-file>] [--no-pid]
[-m append|replace|forward|discard]
[-i interface0 [ ... -i interfaceN]
server0 [ ... serverN]
dhcrelay -6 [-d] [-q] [-I] [-c <hops>] [-p <port>]
[-pf <pid-file>] [--no-pid]
-l lower0 [ ... -l lowerN]
-u upper0 [ ... -u upperN]
lower (client link): [address%]interface[#index]
upper (server link): [address%]interface
omshell --help
Usage: omshell
Fichier de conf administrable à travers l'interface Web du plugin
Sequence de démarrage et d'arrêt du plugin configurable à travers l'interface Web
Changelog :
The major "theme" for ISC DHCP 4.3.x was to update the support for
DHCPv6 to include several of the features that have been available
for DHCPv4. These include:
- Support the use of classes
- Support for on_commit, on_expiry and on_release statements
- Better logging of address assignments
- Support for using DHCPv6 relay options in expressions
This release also adds suppport for the standard DDNS as described in the
current RFCs as well as enhancing support for dynamically adding and removing
subclasses via OMAPI.
There are a number of DHCPv6 limitations and features missing in this
release, which will be addressed in the future:
- Only Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD are supported.
- DHCPv6 includes human-readable text in status code messages, in
English. A method to reconfigure or support other languages would
be preferable.
- The "host-identifier" option is limited to a simple token.
- The client and server can only operate DHCPv4 or DHCPv6 at a time,
not both. To use both protocols simultaneously, two instances of the
relevant daemon are required, one with the '-6' command line option.
For information on how to install, configure and run this software, as
well as how to find documentation and report bugs, please consult the
README file.
ISC DHCP uses standard GNU configure for installation. Please review the
output of "./configure --help" to see what options are available.
The system has only been tested on Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris, and may not
work on other platforms. Please report any problems and suggested fixes to
ISC DHCP is open source software maintained by Internet Systems
Consortium. This product includes cryptographic software written
by Eric Young (eay@cryptsoft.com).
Changes since 4.3.1rc1
- None
Changes since 4.3.1b1
- Modify the linux and openwrt dhclient scripts to process information
from a stateless request. Thanks to Jiri Popelka at Red Hat for the
bug report and patch.
[ISC-Bugs 36102]
- Remove more unused RCSID tags. These weren't noticed in 4.3 as
the code isn't used anymore but we remove them here to keep the
code consistent across versions.
[ISC-Bugs #36451]
Changes since 4.3.0
- Tidy up several small tickets.
Correct parsing of DUID from config file, previously the LL type
was put in the wrong place in the DUID string.
[ISC-Bugs #20962]
Add code to parse "do-forward-updates" as well as "do-forward-update"
Thanks to Jiri Popelka at Red Hat.
[ISC-Bugs #31328]
Remove log_priority as it isn't currently used.
[ISC-Bugs #33397]
Increase the size of the buffer used for reading interface information.
[ISC-Bugs #34858]
- Remove an extra set of the msg_controllen variable.
[ISC-Bugs #21035]
- Add a more understandable error message if a configuration attempts
to add multiple keys for a single zone. Thanks to a patch from Jiri
Popelka at Red Hat.
[ISC-Bugs #31892]
- Fix some minor issues in the dst code.
[ISC-Bugs #34172]
- Properly #ifdef functions so that the code can compile without NSUPDATE.
[ISC-Bugs #35058]
- Update the partner's stos (start time of state, basically when we last
heard from this partner) field when updating the state in failover.
[ISC-Bugs #35549]
- Modify the overload processing to allow space for the remote agent ID.
[ISC-Bugs #35569]
Handle the ordering of the SUBNET_MASK option even if it is the last
option in the list.
[ISC-Bugs #24580]
- Remove the code that allows a server to follow RFC3315 instead of
the subsequent errata from August 2010 when determining which IAs
to include if no addresses will be assigned.
[ISC-Bugs #28938]
- Remove unused RCSID tags.
[ISC-Bugs #35846]
- Correct the v6 client timing code. When doing the timing backoff
for MRT limit it to MRD.
Thanks to Jiri Popelka at Red Hat for the bug report and fix.
[ISC-Bugs #21238
- Add a log entry when killing a client and remove the PID files
when a server, relay or client are killed.
[ISC-Bugs #16970]
[ISC-Bugs #17258]
- Some minor cleanups in the client code.
In addition to checking for dhcpc check for bootpc in the services list.
[ISC-Bugs #18933]
Correct the client code to only try to get a lease once when the
given the "-1" argument.
Thanks to Jiri Popelka at Red Hat for the bug report and fix.
[ISC-Bugs #26735]
When asked for the version don't send the output to syslog.
[ISC-Bugs #29772]
Add the next server information to the environment variables for
use by the client script. In order to avoid changing the client
lease file the next server information isn't written to it.
Thanks to Tomas Hozza at Red Hat for the suggestion and a prototype fix.
[ISC-Bugs #33098]
- Several updates to the dhcp server code.
When not in quiet mode print out the files being used.
[ISC-Bugs #17551]
As accessing some pid files may require privileges move the dropping
of permission bits due to the paranoia patch to be after the pid code.
Thanks to Jiri Popelka at Red Hat for the bug report and fix.
[ISC-Bugs #25806]
When processing a "--version" request don't output the version information
to syslog.
- Add the "enable-log-pid" build option to the configure script. When enabled
this causes the client, server and relay programs to include the PID
number in syslog messages.
Thanks to Marius Tomaschewski for the suggestion and proto-patch.
[ISC-Bugs #29713]
- Add a #define to specify the prefix length used when a client attempts
to configure an address. This can be modified by editing includes/site.h.
By default it is set to 64. While 128 might be a better choice it would
also be a change for currently running systems, so we have left it at 64.
[ISC-Bugs #DHCP-2]
- Add a run time option to the client "-df" to allow the administrator to
point to a second lease file the client can search for a DUID. This can
be used to allow a v4 and a v6 instance of the client to share a DUID.
The second file will only be searched if there isn't a DUID in the main
lease file and the DUID will be written out to the main lease file.
[ISC-Bugs #34886]
- Have the client fsync the lease file to avoid lease corruption if the
client hibernates or otherwise shuts down.
[ISC-Bugs #35894]
- Add a check for L2VLAN in bpf.c to help support VLAN interfaces
Thanks to Steinar Haug for the suggestion.
[ISC-Bugs #36033]
- Modify the handling of the resolv.conf file to allow the DHCP
process to start up even if the resolv.conf file has problems.
[ISC-Bugs #35989]
- Add threshold logging functionality. Two new options,
log-threshold-low and log-threshold-high, indicate to the
server if and when it should log an error message as addresses
in a pool are used.
[ISC-Bugs #34487]
- Add code to properly dereference a pointer in the dhclient code
on an error condition.
[ISC-Bugs #36194]
- Add code to help clean up soft leases.
[ISC-Bugs #36304]
- Disable the gentle shutdown functionality until we can determine
the best way to present it to remove or reduce the side effects.
[ISC-Bugs #36066]
Changes since 4.3.0rc1
- None
Changes since 4.3.0b1
- Tidy up receive packet processing.
Thanks to Brad Plank of GTA for reporting the issue and suggesting
a possible patch.
[ISC-Bugs #34447]
Changes since 4.3.0a1
- Modify the message displayed when a process hits a fatal error.
The new message is much shorter and simply points to the README
and our website for directions on bug submissions.
[ISC-Bugs #24789]
- Handle an absent resolv.conf file better.
[ISC-Bugs #35194]
Changes since 4.2.0 (new features)
- If a client renews before 'dhcp-cache-threshold' percent of its lease
has elapsed (default 25%), the server will reuse the allocated lease
(provide a lease within the currently allocated lease-time) rather
than extend or renew the lease. This absolves the server of needing
to perform an fsync() operation on the lease database before reply,
which improves performance. [ISC-Bugs #22228]
Updated this patch to support asynchronous DDNS. If the server is
attempting to do DDNS on a lease it should be udpated and written to
disk even if that wouldn't be necessary due to the thresholding.
[ISC-Bugs #26311]
- The 'no available billing' log line now also logs the name of the last
matching billing class tried before failing to provide a billing.
[ISC-Bugs #21759]
- A problem with missing get_hw_addr function when --enable-use-sockets
was used is now solved on GNU/Linux, BSD and GNU/Hurd systems. Note
that use-sockets feature was not tested on those systems. Client and
server code no longer use MAX_PATH constant that is not defined on
GNU/Hurd systems. [ISC-Bugs #25979]
- Add a perl script in the contrib directory, dhcp-lease-list.pl, which
can parse v4 lease files and output the lease information in a more
human friendly manner. This was written by Christian Hammers with
some updates by vom and ISC. This is contributed code and is not
supported by ISC; however it may be useful to some users.
[ISC-Bugs #20680]
- Add support in v6 for on-commit, on-expire and on-release.
[ISC-Bugs #27912]
- Add support for using classes with v6.
[ISC-Bugs #26510]
- Update the DDNS code to current standards and allow for sharing
of DDNS entries between v4 and v6 clients. The new code is used
if the ddns-update-style is set to "standard", the older code is
still available if ddns-update-style is set to "interim". The
oldest DDNS code "ad-hoc" has been removed. Thanks to Thomas Pegeot
who submitted a patch for this issue. This patch is based on
that work with some modifications.
[ISC-Bugs #21139]
- Add a configuration option to the server to suppress using fsync().
Enabling this option will mean that fsync() is never called. This
may provide better performance but there is also a risk that a lease
will not be properly written to the disk after it has been issued
to a client and before the server stops. Using this option is
not recommended.
[ISC-Bugs #34810]
- Add some logging statements to indicate when the server is ready
to serve. One statement is emitted after the server has finished
reading its files and is about to enter the dispatch loop.
This is "Server starting service.".
The second is emitted when a server determines that both it and
its failover peer are in the normal state.
This is "failover peer <name>: Both servers normal."
[ISC-Bugs #33208]
- Add support for accessing options from v6 relays. The v6relay
statement allows the administrator to choose which relay to
use when searching for an option, see the dhcp-options man page
for a description. The host-identifier option has also been
updated to support the use of relay options, see the dhcpd.conf
man page for a description.
[ISC-Bugs #19598]
- When doing DDNS if there isn't an appropriate zone statement attempt
to find a reasonable nameserver via a DNS resolver. This restores
some functionality that was lost in the transition to asynchronous
DDNS. Due to the lack of security and increase in fragility of the
system when using this feature we strongly recommend the use of
appropriate zone statements rather than using this functionality.
[ISC-Bugs #30461]
- Add support for specifying the address from which to send
DDNS updates on the DHCP server. There are two new options
"ddns-local-address4" and "ddns-local-address6" that each take
one instance of their respective address types.
[ISC-Bugs #34779]
- Add ignore-client-uids option in the server. This option causes
the server to not record a client's uid in its lease. This
violates the specification but may also be useful when a client
can dual boot using different client ids but the same mac address.
Thank you to Brian De Wolf at Cal Poly Pomona for the patch.
[ISC-Bugs #32427]
[ISC-Bugs #35066]
- Extend the DHCPINFORM processing to honor the subnet selection option
and take host declarations into account.
Thanks to Christof Chen for testing and submitting the patch.
[ISC-Bugs #35015]
- Extend the hardware expression to look into the lease structure
for a hardware address if there is no packet. This allows the
server to find the hardware address during on-expiry processing.
[ISC-Bugs #24584]
- Add definitions for some options that have been specified by the IETF.
[ISC-Bugs #29268]
[ISC-Bugs #35198]