Qnap Il s'est passé une chose bizarre


Chevalier Jedi
12 Mai 2016
Ce soir en faisant une copie d'un disque réseau sur un disque externe branché à mon 453a, j'ai sans raison perdu la connexion aux ports USB.
J'ai perdu donc l'accès à mon disque dur même en le débranchant puis en le branchant rien de détecté mais ce qui est encore plus bizarre c'est que mon onduleur USB a disparu aussi.
J'ai dû redémarrer le NAS avec à la clé une erreur de montage du pool de stockage.
C'est revenu à la normale après la vérification du système de fichier.
Ca vous a déjà fait ça ? C'est grave ?
Encore une chose, l'indexation en tâche de fond ne fonctionne plus et QSirch ne fonctionne plus non plus
Il y a un moyen de relancer ça manuellement plutot que de redémarrer le NAS, ça me fait peur si à chaque fois, j'ai une erreur de montage de volume.
C'est pire que je croyais.
Problème : à chaque redémarrage, je dois vérifier le RAID 5 car le pool ne se monte pas et du coup plus rien ne marche car je n'ai pas l'accès en écriture, donc l'indexation ne fonctionne plus, videostation, photosation etc indiquent une erreur Forbidden
Rien y fait je dois redémarrer pour essayer de réactiver les services mais à chaque fois ça met 1/2h de vérifier le raid 5.
Comment m'en sortir ?
1ere chose que je ferais mais c'est juste mon avis ne pas prendre au pied de la lettre et je ne veux pas etre responsable :mrgreen:

soft reset: tu appuies avec un stylo 3s pas plus dans le petit bitogniot a l'arriere la diode status va clignoter ROUGE tu rebootes et le log ce sera : admin / admin
je pens pas que cela resoud mais bon

sinon hard reset: là faut rester plus de 10s
là tu vas perdre les users les programmes MAIS pas les données

ou sinon peut etre que rebooter a vide, sans HDD et attendre pour lui remettre le HD systeme ca peut le reveiller

mais attends plus de conseils sur ca car il y a tes données donc c'est sensible

si tu as par contre une sauvegarde externe voir 2: alors tu shootes tout! tu seras fixé :mrgreen:
Encore pire
QSync ne fonctionne plus --> base de données plantée
QSirch ne fonctionne plus non plus
Plus aucun accès en écriture

Je suis très mécontent de cette marque
J'ai eu un syno pendant 5 ans sans aucun problème mais là tout fout le camp d'un coup.
J'ai ouvert un ticket chez Qnap
Je vais déjà faire une sauvegarde de mes données (4 to), je ne sais pas où je vais les mettre
Je suis en RAID 5 ça doit être ça qui fait le bazar
Le raid n'a rien à voir et un NAS (à part pb tecnhnique mais je crois que cela fonctionnerait pas du tout)

quand j'ai un pb: je me dis toujours que cela vient de ce qui est entre l'ecran et la chaise ;)

Je vois pas en quoi un raid 5 ou 6 ou 10 viendrait mettre son grain de sel...

Il faut voir si avant le debut des pbs il y a eu quelques choses qui est arrivé

que dit le journal d'evenements?
et connexion en SSH?

>>> fais:
chmod +x qck
./qck all

de là tu saura ce qui se passe et aussi ce qui est apparu et qui met le bordel (c'est ca le truc: si tu trouves le pb: la solution est trouvé)

QNAP au pire peut prendre la main sur ton NAS (ils sont hyper competent)

PS: à mon sens le NAS en raid XX est super: pas de sauvegarde externe: pas top du tout (je suis pas le seul à le penser) un vol un degat des eaux ou autre: bye tes données!
Il n'y a rien eu de spécial, juste les ports USB qui n'ont plus répondu et ce qui m'a obligé à relancer le NAS.

Et là, la boucle sans fin Redémarrage + Volume éjecté --> Réparation Raid5 --> Volume verrouillé --> Redémarrage etc

Voici ce que donne le log:
622,"Information","2016-05-31","06:31:15","System","","localhost","[Volume DataVol1, Pool 1] Examination completed."
621,"Information","2016-05-31","06:23:49","System","","localhost","[Volume DataVol1, Pool 1] Started examination."
620,"Information","2016-05-31","06:21:28","System","","localhost","[UPS] USB UPS device plugged in."
619,"Information","2016-05-31","06:21:04","System","","localhost","[Network & Virtual Switch] - Initialized Network & Virtual Switch"
618,"Information","2016-05-31","06:20:54","System","","localhost","[myQNAPcloud] DDNS updated WAN IP address to []"
617,"Warning","2016-05-31","06:20:39","System","","localhost","[Antivirus] Failed to update virus definitions. Please try again later or update the definitions manually."
616,"Error","2016-05-31","06:20:37","System","","localhost","[Volume DataVol1, Pool 1] Volume is unmounted."
615,"Warning","2016-05-31","06:20:37","System","","localhost","[Volume DataVol1, Pool 1] The file system is not clean. It is suggested that you go to [Storage Manager] to run "Check File System"."
614,"Warning","2016-05-31","06:20:33","System","","localhost","Folders(Public, Web, Multimedia, Download) for default network shares do not exist. Restore default network shares or format your disk volume."
613,"Warning","2016-05-31","06:20:33","System","","localhost","Default network shares(Public, Web, Multimedia, Download) do not exist. Restore default network shares or format your disk volume."
612,"Information","2016-05-31","06:19:48","System","","localhost","[Network & Virtual Switch] - Initialized Network & Virtual Switch"
611,"Information","2016-05-31","06:19:24","System","","localhost","System started."
610,"Information","2016-05-31","00:30:14","System","","localhost","System was shut down on Tue May 31 00:30:14 CEST 2016."
609,"Information","2016-05-31","00:28:40","System","","localhost","[Network & Virtual Switch] - Stop Network & Virtual Switch"
608,"Information","2016-05-31","00:28:35","admin","","---","[Power Management] System will be shutdown now."
607,"Warning","2016-05-31","00:20:01","System","","localhost","[Antivirus] Failed to update virus definitions. Please try again later or update the definitions manually."
606,"Information","2016-05-30","23:34:15","System","","localhost","[Volume DataVol1, Pool 1] Examination completed."
605,"Information","2016-05-30","23:26:05","System","","localhost","[UPS] USB UPS device plugged in."
604,"Information","2016-05-30","23:25:46","System","","localhost","[Volume DataVol1, Pool 1] Started examination."
603,"Information","2016-05-30","23:25:40","System","","localhost","[Network & Virtual Switch] - Initialized Network & Virtual Switch"
602,"Information","2016-05-30","23:25:32","System","","localhost","[myQNAPcloud] DDNS updated WAN IP address to []"
601,"Error","2016-05-30","23:25:19","System","","localhost","[Volume DataVol1, Pool 1] Volume is unmounted."
600,"Warning","2016-05-30","23:25:15","System","","localhost","Folders(Public, Web, Multimedia, Download) for default network shares do not exist. Restore default network shares or format your disk volume."
599,"Warning","2016-05-30","23:25:15","System","","localhost","Default network shares(Public, Web, Multimedia, Download) do not exist. Restore default network shares or format your disk volume."
598,"Information","2016-05-30","23:24:25","System","","localhost","[Network & Virtual Switch] - Initialized Network & Virtual Switch"
597,"Information","2016-05-30","23:24:03","System","","localhost","System started."
596,"Information","2016-05-30","23:20:09","admin","","---","[App Center] Qsirch removed."
595,"Information","2016-05-30","23:19:58","System","","localhost","System was shut down on Mon May 30 23:19:58 CEST 2016."
594,"Information","2016-05-30","23:17:55","System","","localhost","[Network & Virtual Switch] - Stop Network & Virtual Switch"
593,"Information","2016-05-30","23:15:46","admin","","---","[Power Management] System restarting."
592,"Information","2016-05-30","23:14:45","admin","","---","[Qsync] Qsync service enabled."
591,"Information","2016-05-30","23:13:31","admin","","---","[Qsync] Qsync service disabled."
590,"Information","2016-05-30","23:10:05","admin","","---","[Users] New user [Denis] added."
589,"Information","2016-05-30","22:56:14","System","","localhost","[Media Library] Thumbnail generate failed: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Images/PHOTOS VIDEOS ORIGINALES/ ORIGINALES NORVEGE/photos sony/DSC09574.JPG"
588,"Information","2016-05-30","22:56:10","System","","localhost","[Media Library] Thumbnail generate failed: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Images/PHOTOS VIDEOS ORIGINALES/ ORIGINALES NORVEGE/photos sony/DSC09496.JPG"
587,"Information","2016-05-30","22:56:01","System","","localhost","[Media Library] Thumbnail generate failed: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Images/PHOTOS VIDEOS ORIGINALES/ ORIGINALES NORVEGE/photos sony/DSC09491.JPG"
586,"Information","2016-05-30","22:55:47","System","","localhost","[Media Library] Thumbnail generate failed: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Images/PHOTOS VIDEOS ORIGINALES/ ORIGINALES NORVEGE/photos sony/DSC09556.JPG"
585,"Information","2016-05-30","22:55:36","System","","localhost","[Media Library] Thumbnail generate failed: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Images/PHOTOS VIDEOS ORIGINALES/ ORIGINALES NORVEGE/photos sony/DSC00545.JPG"
584,"Information","2016-05-30","22:55:28","System","","localhost","[Media Library] Thumbnail generate failed: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Images/PHOTOS VIDEOS ORIGINALES/ ORIGINALES NORVEGE/photos sony/DSC09562.JPG"
583,"Information","2016-05-30","22:55:23","System","","localhost","[Media Library] Thumbnail generate failed: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Images/PHOTOS VIDEOS ORIGINALES/ ORIGINALES NORVEGE/photos sony/DSC00138.JPG"
582,"Information","2016-05-30","22:55:19","admin","","---","[App Center] Qsirch enabled."
581,"Error","2016-05-30","22:55:16","System","","localhost","[Qsirch] [#301] Failed to start Qsirch as an exception has occurred. Please contact QNAP support."
580,"Information","2016-05-30","22:55:04","System","","localhost","[Media Library] Thumbnail generate failed: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Images/PHOTOS VIDEOS ORIGINALES/ ORIGINALES NORVEGE/photos sony/DSC00038.JPG"
579,"Information","2016-05-30","22:48:15","System","","localhost","[UPS] USB UPS device plugged in."
578,"Information","2016-05-30","22:47:32","admin","","---","[App Center] Qsirch disabled."
577,"Error","2016-05-30","22:45:17","System","","localhost","[Qsirch] [#301] Failed to start Qsirch as an exception has occurred. Please contact QNAP support."
576,"Information","2016-05-30","22:44:59","System","","localhost","[myQNAPcloud] CloudLink service for mobile and PC applications is ready."
575,"Information","2016-05-30","22:44:58","System","","localhost","[myQNAPcloud] CloudLink service for myQNAPcloud web site is ready."
574,"Information","2016-05-30","22:44:42","admin","","---","[App Center] Qsirch enabled."
573,"Error","2016-05-30","22:44:40","System","","localhost","[Qsirch] [#301] Failed to start Qsirch as an exception has occurred. Please contact QNAP support."
572,"Information","2016-05-30","22:44:30","admin","","---","[App Center] Qsirch disabled."
571,"Information","2016-05-30","22:44:00","System","","localhost","[Media Library] Thumbnail generate failed: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/3D/iron man 3.mkv"
570,"Information","2016-05-30","22:43:46","System","","localhost","[Media Library] Thumbnail generate failed: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/3D/John Carter.m2ts"
569,"Information","2016-05-30","22:43:37","System","","localhost","[Network & Virtual Switch] - Initialized Network & Virtual Switch"
568,"Information","2016-05-30","22:43:16","System","","localhost","[myQNAPcloud] DDNS updated WAN IP address to []"
567,"Information","2016-05-30","22:42:28","System","","localhost","[Media Library] Thumbnail generate failed: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/3D/irobot.mkv"
566,"Information","2016-05-30","22:42:08","System","","localhost","[Media Library] Media Library Server started."
565,"Information","2016-05-30","22:41:27","System","","localhost","[Network & Virtual Switch] - Initialized Network & Virtual Switch"
564,"Information","2016-05-30","22:41:04","System","","localhost","System started."
563,"Information","2016-05-30","22:35:17","System","","localhost","System was shut down on Mon May 30 22:35:17 CEST 2016."
562,"Information","2016-05-30","22:33:37","System","","localhost","[Network & Virtual Switch] - Stop Network & Virtual Switch"
561,"Information","2016-05-30","22:33:32","admin","","---","[Power Management] System will be shutdown now."
560,"Information","2016-05-30","22:27:16","System","","localhost","[Volume DataVol1, Pool 1] Examination completed."
559,"Information","2016-05-30","22:20:21","System","","localhost","[] WDC WD40 EZRX-00SPEB0 Device removed successfully."
558,"Information","2016-05-30","22:18:57","System","","localhost","[Volume DataVol1, Pool 1] Started examination."
557,"Information","2016-05-30","22:18:56","System","","localhost","[UPS] USB UPS device plugged in."
556,"Information","2016-05-30","22:18:32","System","","localhost","[Network & Virtual Switch] - Initialized Network & Virtual Switch"
555,"Information","2016-05-30","22:18:22","System","","localhost","[myQNAPcloud] DDNS updated WAN IP address to []"
554,"Information","2016-05-30","22:18:11","System","","localhost","[] WDC WD40 EZRX-00SPEB0 Device detected. The file system is HFS+."
553,"Error","2016-05-30","22:18:11","System","","localhost","[Volume DataVol1, Pool 1] Volume is unmounted."
552,"Warning","2016-05-30","22:18:10","System","","localhost","[Volume DataVol1, Pool 1] The file system is not clean. It is suggested that you go to [Storage Manager] to run "Check File System"."
551,"Warning","2016-05-30","22:18:04","System","","localhost","Folders(Public, Web, Multimedia, Download) for default network shares do not exist. Restore default network shares or format your disk volume."
550,"Warning","2016-05-30","22:18:04","System","","localhost","Default network shares(Public, Web, Multimedia, Download) do not exist. Restore default network shares or format your disk volume."
549,"Information","2016-05-30","22:17:18","System","","localhost","[Network & Virtual Switch] - Initialized Network & Virtual Switch"
548,"Information","2016-05-30","22:16:56","System","","localhost","System started."
547,"Information","2016-05-30","22:12:34","System","","localhost","System was shut down on Mon May 30 22:12:34 CEST 2016."
546,"Information","2016-05-30","22:10:55","System","","localhost","[Network & Virtual Switch] - Stop Network & Virtual Switch"
545,"Information","2016-05-30","22:10:50","admin","","---","[Power Management] System restarting."
544,"Warning","2016-05-30","22:05:57","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/L'Oeil de la bête.nfo access failed"
543,"Warning","2016-05-30","22:05:39","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/L'Oeil de la bête.avi access failed"
542,"Warning","2016-05-30","22:05:13","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/L'Oeil de la bête-thumb.jpg access failed"
541,"Warning","2016-05-30","22:04:46","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/L'Oeil de la bête-poster.jpg access failed"
540,"Warning","2016-05-30","22:04:21","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/L'Obsession d'une Mère.nfo access failed"
539,"Warning","2016-05-30","22:04:02","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/L'Obsession d'une Mère.avi access failed"
538,"Warning","2016-05-30","22:03:37","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/L'Obsession d'une Mère-thumb.jpg access failed"
537,"Warning","2016-05-30","22:03:11","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/L'Obsession d'une Mère-poster.jpg access failed"
536,"Warning","2016-05-30","22:01:09","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/L'interprète.nfo access failed"
535,"Warning","2016-05-30","22:00:51","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/L'interprète.mkv access failed"
534,"Warning","2016-05-30","22:00:25","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/L'interprète-poster.jpg access failed"
533,"Warning","2016-05-30","21:59:59","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/L'interprète-fanart.jpg access failed"
532,"Warning","2016-05-30","21:59:33","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/L'Homme À Tout Faire (2015).avi access failed"
531,"Warning","2016-05-30","21:57:33","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/L'escadron des Héros.nfo access failed"
530,"Warning","2016-05-30","21:57:15","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/L'escadron des Héros.avi access failed"
529,"Warning","2016-05-30","21:56:48","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/L'escadron des Héros-thumb.jpg access failed"
528,"Information","2016-05-30","21:43:14","System","","localhost","[myQNAPcloud] DDNS updated WAN IP address to []"
527,"Information","2016-05-30","21:25:36","admin","","---","[App Center] Qsirch enabled."
526,"Information","2016-05-30","21:08:15","System","","localhost","[Volume DataVol1, Pool 1] Examination completed."
525,"Information","2016-05-30","20:58:54","System","","localhost","[Volume DataVol1, Pool 1] Started examination."
524,"Information","2016-05-30","20:58:51","System","","localhost","[UPS] USB UPS device plugged in."
523,"Information","2016-05-30","20:58:30","System","","localhost","[Network & Virtual Switch] - Initialized Network & Virtual Switch"
522,"Information","2016-05-30","20:58:17","System","","localhost","[myQNAPcloud] DDNS updated WAN IP address to []"
521,"Information","2016-05-30","20:58:09","System","","localhost","[] WDC WD40 EZRX-00SPEB0 Device detected. The file system is HFS+."
520,"Error","2016-05-30","20:58:07","System","","localhost","[Volume DataVol1, Pool 1] Volume is unmounted."
519,"Warning","2016-05-30","20:58:05","System","","localhost","[Volume DataVol1, Pool 1] The file system is not clean. It is suggested that you go to [Storage Manager] to run "Check File System"."
518,"Warning","2016-05-30","20:57:57","System","","localhost","Folders(Public, Web, Multimedia, Download) for default network shares do not exist. Restore default network shares or format your disk volume."
517,"Warning","2016-05-30","20:57:57","System","","localhost","Default network shares(Public, Web, Multimedia, Download) do not exist. Restore default network shares or format your disk volume."
516,"Information","2016-05-30","20:57:11","System","","localhost","[Network & Virtual Switch] - Initialized Network & Virtual Switch"
515,"Information","2016-05-30","20:56:48","System","","localhost","System started."
514,"Information","2016-05-30","20:52:51","System","","localhost","System was shut down on Mon May 30 20:52:51 CEST 2016."
513,"Information","2016-05-30","20:47:14","System","","localhost","[Network & Virtual Switch] - Stop Network & Virtual Switch"
512,"Information","2016-05-30","20:40:48","admin","","---","[Power Management] System restarting."
511,"Information","2016-05-30","20:09:34","System","","localhost","[UPS Settings] UPS settings have been changed"
510,"Information","2016-05-30","20:03:26","System","","localhost","[] WDC WD40 EZRX-00SPEB0 Device removed successfully."
509,"Warning","2016-05-30","20:02:48","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /FILMS SD/killing.season.mkv access failed"
508,"Information","2016-05-30","20:02:35","System","","localhost","[UPS] USB UPS device unplugged."
507,"Warning","2016-05-30","19:38:01","admin","","---","[File Station] Move failed. /ROOT (denis@ REGARDER/dossier sans titre 4/bureau/IMG_0294.MOV remove failed"
506,"Warning","2016-05-30","17:04:17","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/G-War - La guerre des Géants.avi access failed"
505,"Warning","2016-05-30","16:58:35","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/Fréquence Interdite.nfo access failed"
504,"Warning","2016-05-30","16:58:16","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/Fréquence Interdite.avi access failed"
503,"Warning","2016-05-30","16:57:49","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/Fréquence Interdite-thumb.jpg access failed"
502,"Warning","2016-05-30","16:57:23","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/Fréquence Interdite-poster.jpg access failed"
501,"Warning","2016-05-30","16:56:56","admin","","---","[File Station] Copy failed. /ROOT (admin@ 3.0/FILMS/Fréquence Interdite-fanart.jpg access failed"
500,"Information","2016-05-30","16:56:44","admin","","---","[Share Folders] New share folder [3D] created."
Mouias, le helpdesk QNAP n'est pas très efficace.
Après avoir pris le contrôle du NAS, la seule réponse et solution que j'ai eu c'est que le nas n'est pas très stable et qu'il faut tout réinstaller (au bout d'une semaine à peine)
Je n'ose pas imaginer ce que cela va donner dans un an si ça déconne comme ça aussi vite.
Ca sent le retour Amazon ça avec changement de marque.
Pas fichu de m'expliquer pourquoi ? Ni de trouver une solution en ligne de commande ?
J'ai un cliché du système, ça peut servir à quelque chose ?
j ecomptes plu sles fois ou j'ai du re-installer des OS ou autres car cela merdouillait pas mal!

mais c'est pas la faute au hardware du tout

une autre marque sera pareil, aujourd'hui on demande plus de competences a un NAS qu'il y a 5 ans donc c'est plus pointu OUI

parfois si c'est instable, il faut pas chercher trop, shooter tout et mieux que passer 10 fois plus de temps a savoir ou cela pose pb

apres je ne sais pas ton entretien avec QNAP
mais moi j'en suis ravi plus qu'avec les autres marques (mais c'est subjectif)

deja le fait que tu ais eu une prise en main rapidement c'est bien...

si une erreur est faite, ils ne peuvent pas tout savoir: ils ne sont pas devins ;)
cela m'est deja arrivé de pas trouver et eux non plus (je parle du sav d'autres marques) donc voila au lieu de chercher la petite bete et de dire ils sont incapable HOP shoot de tout!!!
et apres nickel

tu l'as depuis une semaine, dan sun an tu le maitrisera plus (c'est un fait t c'est logique) a part si tu changes de marques toutes les semaines ;)

a toi de voir

bonne chance

Ok mais ça me fait flipper que mes données ne soient pas en sécurité malgré le Raid 5.
C'est vrai que la hotline a répondu tout de suite.
Si tu dis que tu as déjà eu à réinstaller ton QNAP, ça me rassure alors.
Voici les réponses que j'ai eu
Pourriez vous nous envoyer les logs se trouvant dans la partie "Journal du système" puis cliquer sur "Enregistrer"

Merci pour votre aide
Merci pour les logs, il y a effectivement un probleme de Raid, pourriez vous me donner un accès au nas via un compte myqnapcloud si vous en avez un ou me donner l'ip externe du nas se trouvant dans la partie "Réseau" onglet "Service DDNS" avec un compte admin, j'aimerai regarder l'état du Raid
Je viens de me connecter, je vois que le nas n'est pas très stable, après la sauvegarde je pense qu'il faudra tout réinstaller depuis le début en reformatant les disques

Pour cela il faut démarrer le nas sans les disques, lancer QFinder, ce dernier vous demandera si il faut réinitialiser le nas.
Je le vois dans les logs à cause du Raid qui passe du statut "pret" à celui de "unmounted" à plusieurs reprises.

Pour être certain que ce n'est pas une défaillance du nas ou du disque il faudrait tout réinstaller afin de partir sur de bonnes bases et pouvoir observer ensuite son fonctionnement, c'est comme cela que l'on saura si probleme il y a

Donc déjà la sauvegarde ensuite la restauration à partir d'un cliché ensuite soft reset ensuite hard reset et finalement réinstallation en croisant les doigts.
Il y aurait des erreurs à éviter "classiques" que je ne tombe pas dedans débutant que je suis ?

Qnap Il s'est passé une chose bizarre