Qnap [ Dolt Cli ] [ 0.52.3 ] Dolt is Git for Data!


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2 Janvier 2014
10 565

Source : https://github.com/dolthub/dolt

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Dolt is a SQL database that you can fork, clone, branch, merge, push and pull just like a git repository. Connect to Dolt just like any MySQL database to run queries or update the data using SQL commands. Use the command line interface to import CSV files, commit your changes, push them to a remote, or merge your teammate's changes.

All the commands you know for Git work exactly the same for Dolt. Git versions files, Dolt versions tables. It's like Git and MySQL had a baby!

DoltHub, a place to share Dolt databases. We host public data for free!

$ dolt
Valid commands for dolt are
init - Create an empty Dolt data repository.
status - Show the working tree status.
add - Add table changes to the list of staged table changes.
reset - Remove table changes from the list of staged table changes.
commit - Record changes to the repository.
sql - Run a SQL query against tables in repository.
sql-server - Start a MySQL-compatible server.
log - Show commit logs.
diff - Diff a table.
blame - Show what revision and author last modified each row of a table.
merge - Merge a branch.
branch - Create, list, edit, delete branches.
tag - Create, list, delete tags.
checkout - Checkout a branch or overwrite a table from HEAD.
remote - Manage set of tracked repositories.
push - Push to a dolt remote.
pull - Fetch from a dolt remote data repository and merge.
fetch - Update the database from a remote data repository.
clone - Clone from a remote data repository.
creds - Commands for managing credentials.
login - Login to a dolt remote host.
version - Displays the current Dolt cli version.
config - Dolt configuration.
ls - List tables in the working set.
schema - Commands for showing and importing table schemas.
table - Commands for copying, renaming, deleting, and exporting tables.
conflicts - Commands for viewing and resolving merge conflicts.
migrate - Executes a repository migration to update to the latest format.
read-tables - Fetch table(s) at a specific commit into a new dolt repo
gc - Cleans up unreferenced data from the repository.
Dernière édition:

This release adds support for the CHECK constraint, and includes various bug fixes and performance improvements.

Databases written by this release of Dolt cannot be read by earlier versions. Earlier versions must upgrade to at least this version. This is a failsafe mechanism to prevent loss of schema information on write caused by earlier Dolt versions not understanding how to persist newer schema constructs (CHECK constraints in this case).

Merged PRs
1541: /integration-tests/compatibility: Split Compatibility tests into forward and backward
1540: Fixed TINYBLOB errors with specific inputs
Similar to #1528, except dealing with the kind. Still surprised this was not caught earlier, seems like it should be completely broken. Some test repos have had thousands of rows with a BLOB-type column and they all worked without issue.
1538: Fixed UNIQUE index violations causing duplicate key errors
1537: Support for CHECK constraints
This is missing:
Bats tests
Feature version bump
1536: libraries/doltcore/tables: fix two subpackage dropped errors
1534: /go/libraries/doltcore/sqle: Fix SELECT INTO ... bug for AUTO_INCREMENT columns
Fixes: #1491
1533: replace io.Copy to improve clone perf
Fixes #1530 by replacing a call to io.Copy with a new function writeTo. Existing reader implementation replaces read calls to HTTP requests and larger read sizes here has a very big impact on Perf.
takes gcs clone of 600MB repo from
real    28m2.168s
user    0m21.606s
sys     0m15.104s
real  0m17.885s
user  0m1.607s
sys   0m2.443s
has similar performance improvements for AWS repos and has small Dolthub clone perf improvements.
1532: couple changes for aws errors
1531: go/go.mod: Bump go-mysql-server.
1528: Fixed some VARBINARY strings reading their length incorrectly
Some VARBINARY strings were misreading their length, leading to other values reading garbage and erroring. Not sure how some VARBINARY strings were reading correctly, but this fixes the issue. Was caught by the fuzzer, but I stripped out the other queries for the bats test (still reproduces without them).
1527: libraries/doltcore/fkconstrain: fix dropped errors
This fixes two dropped error variables in libraries/doltcore/fkconstrain.
1526: Fix AsyncDiffer wrong context for cancelation bug.
1525: Andy/faster tag validation
Previously we fully validated column tag uniqueness on every call to doltdb.PutTable(). This is a huge perf hit on the write path. We can safely eliminate this validation in the case where the old and new table schemas have the same types.Ref.
1524: delete batches
1523: Unskipped many engine plan tests, changed how skipping works
1521: fixed dropped errors in libraries/doltcore/env
This fixes dropped errors in libraries/doltcore/env and libraries/doltcore/envtestutils.
368: Improvements and corrections for check constraints
Biggest changes:
Better validation
Checks in CREATE TABLE statements work as expected now (poor validation before)
ALTER TABLE DROP CONSTRAINT works as expected (doesn't assume a foreign key)
Unnamed checks are expected to be named by integrators now
365: Fix SELECT INTO ... bug for AUTO_INCREMENT columns
363: sql/expression/case.go: Type a CASE expression by considering all its branches.
Implements a lot of the typing behavior described here:
362: Give correct error code for duplicate database.
Return a Vitess error with code ERDbCreateExists(1007) when trying to create a database that already exists
360: Brought sql.PushdownTable back to memory.Table
And made its implementation not reduce its schema (same as dolt).
sql.FilteredTable has significant issues, so that one is still disabled by default.
359: Added IsGenerated to sql.Index
Closed Issues
1535: Can I install dolt without sudo?
1530: Slow cloning from google storage
361: memory database with JSON column cannot be updated

Merged PRs
1688: integration-tests/bats: Add some simple bats tests to views in sql-server multi-head mode.
1681: Fixed occasional panic from nil VRW on BLOB pks
1667: Add dolt log functionality
1666: Update some bats tests
1665: Beginnings of SQL transaction support.
Only START TRANSACTION and COMMIT are supported.
1663: Fixed index editors getting to an invalid state on error.
1658: Fixed index name handling & self foreign keys on commit.
1608: Improve performance of GC.
410: Commit transactions without beginning them, to support commit without a selected database
409: Add the partitions table
Adds the empty partition table
404: sql/analyzer: Push filters under SubqueryAliases which they apply to.
This allows optimizations to be applied to the filter clauses within the SubqueryAlias node, including pushdown and index lookup.
403: sql/analyzer: Split analysis of subqueries so that once-after rules are applied uniformly.
402: Added _binary support & REGEXP_LIKE
Removed REGEXP_MATCHES as it does not exist in MySQL. It is a PostgreSQL function.
401: Add the json_contains function.
400: Support for transactions. Start transaction and Commit implemented so far, as well as @@autocommit handling
398: Fixed view test script
397: Changed default handling & delay fk table resolution
396: /server: Unwrap netutil.ConnWithTimeouts in pollForClosedConnection
395: Refactor nil check handling in check constraints.
394: Fixed bug that only allowed some select statements as view definitions
392: Fixed REPLACE logic to now match MySQL
Previously we thought that REPLACE was a DELETE then INSERT, but this is not the actual order that MySQL takes.
391: Install a format checker script and workflow.
390: Adds the key column usage table
73: go/vt/sqlparser: Follow MySQL in making ORDER BY/LIMIT on left hand of UNION a syntax error.
72: Added savepoint and friends
Closed Issues
1670: dolt merge-base
1662: Bug: sql-server fails with TablePlus while introspecting schema due to UUID
1659: GCP Authentication Fails on Google Colab

Merged PRs
1728: go/cmd/dolt: commands/{fetch,pull}: Turn off chunk caching on source DB when pulling and fetching.
1725: go/libraries/doltcore/remotestorage: Improve URL refresh on download retries further.
422: Fix for hanging joins when the secondary table is empty using an in-memory strategy
This fixes #222
421: fix bug in join search
420: Update sqlogic test harness and bump sqllogic dependency
This pr enables users of gms to run and parse the sqllogic harness against all of the sqlogictests (with filtering). It also bump the sqllogic dependency
419: [WIP]: LastIncrementId and name resolution collision fix
418: Add ISNULL(expr) and compatible with Navicat Premium
When I use Navicat Premium 15.0.28 to design tables.
Get error: 1105 - function: 'isnull, maybe you mean ifnull?' not found
After I implement ISNULL(expr).
Get error: 1105 - column "PARTITION_DESCRIPTION" could not be found in any table in scope
This RP is fixed this problem.

Merged PRs
2023: global system var for sql-server session branch
setting @@GLOBAL.dolt_sql_server_branch_ref overwrites the branch for new sql-server connections. Setting the variable does not change the current connection's branch. If the variable is set to an invalid ref (ex: branch does not exist), the behavior is undefined for new connections.
> set GLOBAL dolt_sql_server_branch_ref = 'refs/heads/new'
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> select @@GLOBAL.dolt_sql_server_branch_ref;
| @@GLOBAL.dolt_sql_server_branch_ref |
| refs/heads/new                      |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select active_branch();
| active_branch() |
| master          |
mysql> exit
$ mysql --user root --host= -p tmp1
mysql> select active_branch();
| active_branch() |
| new             |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
2021: Changed TEXT types to use BlobKind
Previously we were using types.String at the noms layer to handle our TEXT types. This works for relatively small strings, but causes issues when using larger strings (such as a 2GB string). I'm not sure of the point at which performance tanks/crashes occur using types.String, but types.Blob can handle a string of arbitrary length (up to our allowed maximum of 4GB for sure). This also matches how our BLOB types are implemented.
We do make use of the StringDefaultType variable all over the codebase, which was a LONGTEXT field. This has been changed to a VARCHAR(16383) field to preserve the expected behavior (passing in a types.String to the default string type for example). This does mean that our length limit is no longer 4GB, however I don't think we were ever reaching the VARCHAR limit to begin with, so this switch should be fine for all of our pre-existing logic. Additionally, the original string implementation remains (along with a LegacyStringDefaultType for system tables), so old repositories will continue to reference the old type as expected. This will only affect new tables. It was bad practice that we always used LONGTEXT to begin with.
Our Go and bats tests make extensive use of LONGTEXT already (it was our only supported string type for a while), so minimal testing needed to be written.
This PR also modifies types.Blob to properly sort, as previously it sorted by hash (which is the default for types that are an extension of sequence). Adding a proper Less function has broken some expected behaviors in noms for blobs, but they're not being used at all in Dolt, therefore it seems safe? Fixing these behaviors would entail a lower-level change, one which I didn't deem worth.
Lastly, besides the large collection of small bug fixes here and there, I bumped the feature version. Any new tables that contain a TEXT type (of which there will probably be numerous) will be unable to be read by the previous version of Dolt (as they're missing the new blobStringType), and will throw an unknown error.
2006: disk backed edit accumulator
530: add engine tests for dateparse
Follow-up to dolthub/go-mysql-server#523
529: Vinai/load file
523: implement built-in function str_to_date
Closes #518
This PR implements the STR_TO_DATE MySQL function.
In places where the spec is ambiguous, I'm attempting to match the behavior of MySQL version 8 from my manual testing. I need to implement a few more parsers and add more test cases to cover the expected behavior.
go test  -cover github.com/dolthub/go-mysql-server/sql/parse/dateparse
ok  	github.com/dolthub/go-mysql-server/sql/parse/dateparse	0.163s	coverage: 89.3% of statements
cc @zachmu
Closed Issues
1968: Add support for LOAD_FILE()
2002: [Bug] Simple inserts sometimes not saved
531: implement auto increment ddl support
518: Implement built-in STR_TO_DATE

  • 3326: Option for sysbench perf tests to clone big repo
  • 3320: Add Support for new Transaction Query Plans
    This PR integrates new GMS changes to ensure that the new TransactionCommittingNode works. As a result it addresses #3240
  • 3319: Add perf runner test
  • 3318: Display schema and data for created and dropped tables in dolt diff command
    Fixes: #3300
    The dolt diff command was previously omitting schema and data diffs if tables were created or dropped within the commit range, and only outputting diff summary information with tabular output. This change causes the schema changes and data changes to be included in tabular output.
    Old behavior:
    ❯ dolt diff mhgva1kfcljign82ntcmr6ftmpbmemko j6n5727at9652tri8ncsa02v794h1fi4
    diff --dolt a/a b/a
    added table
    ❯ dolt diff mhgva1kfcljign82ntcmr6ftmpbmemko ccm9bfiv6jhft1tmeu1cqd0ghduhg4v7
    diff --dolt a/a b/a
    added table
    ❯ dolt diff qd507o2jjlckjgmn2polsmiifk62vo8n js1bb2cvdr7h4tdj2d3m33jhp9rc9ee9
    diff --dolt a/a b/a
    deleted table

    New behavior:
    ❯ dolt diff mhgva1kfcljign82ntcmr6ftmpbmemko j6n5727at9652tri8ncsa02v794h1fi4
    diff --dolt a/a b/a
    added table
    +CREATE TABLE `a` (
    + `n` int NOT NULL,
    + PRIMARY KEY (`n`)
    | | n |
    ❯ dolt diff mhgva1kfcljign82ntcmr6ftmpbmemko ccm9bfiv6jhft1tmeu1cqd0ghduhg4v7
    diff --dolt a/a b/a
    added table
    +CREATE TABLE `a` (
    + `n` int NOT NULL,
    + PRIMARY KEY (`n`)
    | | n |
    | + | 1 |
    | + | 2 |
    ❯ dolt diff qd507o2jjlckjgmn2polsmiifk62vo8n js1bb2cvdr7h4tdj2d3m33jhp9rc9ee9
    diff --dolt a/a b/a
    deleted table
    -CREATE TABLE `a` (
    - `n` int NOT NULL,
    - PRIMARY KEY (`n`)
    | | n |
    | - | 1 |
    | - | 2 |
    | - | 3 |

  • 3316: Max/fix nightly
  • 3291: Use Transactional Logic to Revert Triggers
    Fix for: #2613
    Note: can't roll back in GMS / in-memory tables as they don't have any transactional logic, so we don't test there


  • 986: support XOR logic operator
    Added XOR MySQL logic operator
  • 985: Fix Handler queries when Prepared Statements are Disabled
    Fix for: #3305
  • 983: Change Autocommit Query Plan
    This PR adds a new analyzer rule and query Node for autocommit. This fixes an issue where previously a query process was being killed (via a cancelCtx function) before a transaction committed.
  • 982: adding flag options 2 and 4 for st_asgeojson
    fix for: #3280
  • 978: Use transactional logic to rollback bad triggers, also tests
    Added a new rule that wraps everything in a TriggerRollback node if there is a trigger present. This new node will make a savepoint right before execution, and will return to normal if something breaks.


  • 154: move CURRENT to non-reserved-keyword-list
    CURRENT is non reserved keyword, it fixes issue of SELECT * FROM current query failing
    Fixes #3224

Closed Issues​

  • 3240: Potential Compatibility issue with Knex
  • 2613: Changes, made by "before insert" trigger do not rollback when insert fails
  • 3300: dolt diff doesn't show data diff when table was added within the commit range
  • 3309: dolt pull fails when other branch exists in the repo


Merged PRs​



  • 1124: still read JSON privilege files, but write flatbuffer format
    fix for: #3859
    tests are in dolt pr
    companion pr: #3860
  • 1120: Support where clause for show variables
    Where clause is supported only for variable_name column of result table of show variables query.
    Fixes #3834
  • 1117: Add foreign key tests where the parent table has inverted primary keys
  • 1116: Add tests for unique key violations and fix engine to pass them
  • 1111: Bug fixes for AlterPK and column defaults
    Operations that modify a table's schema were not consistently resolving column default values:
    • AlterPK was missed in resolve column default switch cases, and also wasn't considering its expressions when checking for resolution.
    • AlterDefaultSet was resolving the wrong schema (its output schema, OkResultSchema, instead of the target schema).
      While I was in there, I cleaned up the code to more consistently use the sql.TargetSchema interface and combined some copy/pasted switch cases.
      Updated existing tests to use column default values and verified they caught both of these failures. Have already run Dolt engine tests and verified they pass correctly.
      Fixes: #3788

Closed Issues​

  • 3853: Calling SELECT DOLT_BRANCH('-d', '<branch-name>') results in [HY000][1105] attempted to delete a branch that is not fully merged into its parent; use -f to force
  • 3815: Branch deletes (and maybe other things) don't replicate
  • 3788: Panic when altering the PK on a table with column defaults
  • 3834: Show Variables Where Is An Unsupported Feature



Merged PRs​


  • 3905: Fix for persisted database specific system variables failing to load
    Fix for #3887
    Persisting and loading ${branch_name}_default_branch from config now works.
  • 3901: Update release and nightly files to include import benchmarking
  • 3899: go/store/types: SerialMessage: Unify TupleRowStorage and SerialMessage.
    Get rid of TupleRowStorage and use SerialMessage everywhere. In turn, change
    SerialMessage so that it carries its kind and size prefix as part of itself.
  • 3898: /.github/workflows/ci-performance-benchmarks-new-format.yaml: remove since #benchmark also does new format
  • 3894: fix minor log.Fatalln output
    Signed-off-by: Abirdcfly fp544037857@gmail.com
    log.Fatalln is equivalent to Println() followed by a call to os.Exit(1).
    see example:
    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    log.Fatalln("B") // unreachable code
    /* output:
    2009/11/10 23:00:00 A
    Program exited.
  • 3875: Benchmark __DOLT_1__ on release
  • 3868: yaml config also initialize .doltcfg directories
    Fix for: #3865
  • 3867: Sql server jwt auth
    GMS PR: dolthub/go-mysql-server#1123
  • 3862: Support dolt_remote() stored procedure
    Supported options:
    DOLT_REMOTE('add', ...)
    DOLT_REMOTE('remove', ...)
    DOLT_REMOTE('rm', ...)
    Got dialer out of env.Remote object definition, dialer will be set when GetRemoteDB() method is called in dolt push and pull
    Manually copied DoltDatabaseProvider interface from Zach's PR, #3745 , in order to get Zach's implementation of accessing FS from the Provider object.
  • 3861: Add a better error message for schema mismatch
    With csv file imports we used to throw an error if the a read row did not have the same numbers of columns as the original schema.
    For example:
    Rows Processed: 0, Additions: 0, Modifications: 0, Had No Effect: 0
    A bad row was encountered while moving data.
    csv reader's schema expects 3 fields, but line only has 2 values.
    line: '5,5,'
    These can be ignored using '--continue'

    This is not particularly useful output when the size of the row is massive. It has been a headache debugging this issue for the recent museums bounty. This pr is changing the error message to as follows:
    Rows Processed: 0, Additions: 0, Modifications: 0, Had No Effect: 0
    A bad row was encountered while moving data.
    CSV reader expected 3 values, but saw 2.
    The row was interpreted to be: '{
    "pk": "5"
    "v1": "5"
    "v2": ""

    Also improve printing for skipping rows
  • 3745: dolt_clone stored procedure
    Adds support for a new dolt_clone() stored procedure.
    Removes most of the use of os.Chdir (except for in test code and one or two dolt-cli-only spots).
    Doc Updates: dolthub/docs#804



  • 172: Changes for adding new auth method
  • 171: Add rows parsing for LOAD DATA IGNORE and address flaky tls test
    This PR does two things
    1. Addresses #2548 by introducing new conditions in sql.y
    2. Addresses flaky tls server tests by updating tests to use Tls13 and adding an additional error check

Closed Issues​

  • 3919: Using dolt sql with a running dolt sql-server
  • 3895: "Invalid argument" for json_contains() queries
  • 3806: Need a way to add, modify and delete remotes on SQL path
  • 3481: Panic with describe
  • 3513: Implement cherry-pick
  • 3623: Deprecate multi-db-dir, databases field in config.yaml
  • 3865: v0.40.18 tries to open empty string as privilege file if not explicitly provided
  • 3859: Reading Old Version of Privilege File with Newer version of Dolt causes Panic




  • 4122: Burlier tests for multi-db replication
  • 4121: Update README to reflect socket interface release
    Socket interface supported but not on by default.
  • 4113: fix broken DOLT_DEV engine tests
  • 4112: Use multiple node stores in orderedTree diff
  • 4110: sql-server host shouldn't affect default superuser
    fix for: #4079
  • 4100: Adding a skipped bats test for dolt_reset being disallowed in read-only mode
    We had a skipped BATS test for dolt_commit being disallowed, but dolt_reset also needs one since it modifies the branch HEAD.
  • 4091: Lock new databases where source db is locked
  • 4071: global auto increment tracking



Merged PRs​


  • 4229: go/doltcore/sqle/globalstate: Reset AUTO_INCREMENT sequence to 1 on table drop
  • 4206: fix wrong error variable used


  • 1227: Fixed collation error message, added more collations
    Fixes #4236, in addition to adding two new collations:
    • utf8mb3_unicode_ci
    • utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci
  • 1225: Hoist CTEs above Filter, Limit, OrderBy, and Having
  • 1224: SET NAMES collation fix, results have proper charset
    Fixes two issues. SET NAMES would cause all statements that feature a COLLATE expression to error if the character set and collation did not match, however such a comparison only makes sense for string literals (at parse time). This has been fixed, as the parse-time check only occurs for literals, and checks that require analysis (such as table columns) now occur at the appropriate time. In addition, the system variable character_set_results was not used when returning string results, resulting in unexpected behavior, which has also been fixed.
  • 1223: fix infinite recursion during cte self-reference
    • don't resolve subqueries where there are CTEs of the same name; transformations are bottom up, so they've been resolved at least once already
      Fix for:
    • #4173

Closed Issues​

  • 3142: Dolt pull using 90% of memory
  • 3111: Start supporting the mysql database
  • 3087: unknown push error When pushing a branch with a 20,000 commits to DoltHub
  • 3064: trying to drop a column used in a foreign key gives a bad error message
  • 3051: CREATE TABLE with RESERVED KEYWORD status breaks
  • 2820: Using --continue flag for dolt table import -u doesn't add any rows
  • 2808: Support minio as remote storage
  • 2756: set root password in SQL session without removing administrator password
  • 2723: DOLT_CHECKOUT('-b', 'newbranch) should take working set changes to new branch
  • 2673: Reorder of columns in UNIQUE INDEX when re-create table
  • 2637: Dolt SQL shell can't handle semicolons in comments
  • 2600: dolt diff does not show schema changes when modifying constraints
  • 2594: Dropping and readding constraints generates schema diff
  • 2591: dolt constraints should be exposed in the top level dolt help text
  • 4173: Query crashes SQL server
  • 4236: Bad collation Error Message
  • 4222: Can't build dolt with LTO
  • 2398: panic for dolt_diff tables when in detached head mode
  • 4103: dolt ls --verbose panics in the new format
  • 4123: count(*) in new format 3X slower for large table
  • 2359: CLI supports param for different working directory
  • 2335: Identical schema alterations results in two different columns with same tag error on merge
  • 2328: dolt pull -f fails when dolt fetch -f works && dolt branch main remotes/origin/main -f works
  • 2315: DOLT_MERGE should return detailed error
  • 2311: Tableplus can't detect Table
  • 2306: daemon mode
  • 2305: confusing error message when selecting from conflict tables with @@autocommit = true
  • 2304: Reverse order between from_commit and to_commit of "dolt_commit_diff_$table" will throw out exception and code stack
  • 2296: Prevent branch deletion when another client has a session open on it
  • 2292: [Feature Request] Progress Indicators for GC
  • 2286: Dolt errors out on table definitions that use a UNIQUE KEY and KEY on the same column
  • 2283: [Feature Request] Progress indicator for merges
  • 2275: golang go-sql-driver/mysql does't work with Multiple HEADs
  • 2260: Can't connect with Visual Studio MySQL Connector
  • 2181: dolt table import -u <table> slows down almost 20x after only five imports of ~20k rows
  • 2118: dolt import table Foreign Key NOT NULL violation error is not helpful
  • 2070: Dolt doesn't respect primary key for sort order
  • 2018: Deleting branch does not delete associated working set
  • 1708: Feature request: show status during dolt sql edits
  • 1561: Django multi-table inheritance: duplicate primary key error on edit
  • 1318: When checking out via SQL, views don't automatically update
  • 1010: Show progress on dolt schema import
  • 655: Dolt SQL vs MySQL client: MySQL client right justifies number columns
  • 407: Weird group by behavior
  • 1096: go 1.17 support