Source : http://www.deltapowersolutions.com/en/mcis/shutdown-agent.php
Download : http://www.qnapclub.eu/index.php?act=detail&qpkg_id=384
x86 version : http://www.qoolbox.fr/ShutdownAgent_1.2012_x86.qpkg.zip
x64 version : http://www.qoolbox.fr/ShutdownAgent_1.2012_x86_64.qpkg.zip [ FW 4.3.x ]
Note :
login : admin
pass : password
listen on 5289
About :
Shutdown Agent
Functions and Features
■ Support SNMPv1, v3 trap
■ Provide web interface through HTTP and HTTPS
■ Provide the batch configuration to deploy settings at a finger click
■ Forward SNMP trap to extend protecting up to 255 servers
■ Support up to 32 input trap sources for redundant (logical OR) and parallel (logical AND) application
■ Provide console configuration for basic system parameters setup