Source : from Staging branch
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x86 version :
x31version : (not tested)
x41 version :
x19 version : (not tested)
x64 Version : Buggy
Notes :
mount automatically all Upnp Server within a share called MyAV
actually 64bit version is buggy, i need more time to debug it
About :
avmount is a UPnP AV client based on djmount. Originally created
by Rémi Turboult <> on 23/04/2005. It mounts as a
Linux filesystem (using FUSE) the media content of compatible UPnP AV devices
(see "Known Compatible Devices" paragraph below).
avmount discovers automatically all UPnP AV Media Servers on the network,
and make the content available in a directory tree. All shared files
(e.g. Audio or Video files) are directly visible and can be played using
your favorite media player.
avmount is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
License (GNU GPL : see "COPYING" file)