Qnap [CoreDNS ] [ 1.8.2 ] DNS server that chains plugins


Représentant QNAP
2 Janvier 2014
10 565

Source : https://coredns.io

Download : x64 , x19 , x31 , x41, arm64


Note :

Edit Corefile according your need in /opt/CoreDNS (default configuration proxy dns

About :

CoreDNS aims to be a fast and flexible DNS server. The keyword here is flexible: with CoreDNS you are able to do what you want with your DNS data. And if not: write a plugin!

CoreDNS can listen for DNS request coming in over UDP/TCP (go'old DNS), TLS (RFC 7858) and gRPC (not a standard).

Currently CoreDNS is able to:

Serve zone data from a file; both DNSSEC (NSEC only) and DNS are supported (file).
Retrieve zone data from primaries, i.e., act as a secondary server (AXFR only) (secondary).
Sign zone data on-the-fly (dnssec).
Load balancing of responses (loadbalance).
Allow for zone transfers, i.e., act as a primary server (file).
Automatically load zone files from disk (auto).
Caching (cache).
Health checking endpoint (health).
Use etcd as a backend, i.e., a 101.5% replacement for SkyDNS (etcd).
Use k8s (kubernetes) as a backend (kubernetes).
Serve as a proxy to forward queries to some other (recursive) nameserver (proxy).
Provide metrics (by using Prometheus) (metrics).
Provide query (log) and error (error) logging.
Support the CH class: version.bind and friends (chaos).
Profiling support (pprof).
Rewrite queries (qtype, qclass and qname) (rewrite).
Echo back the IP address, transport and port number used (whoami). This is also the default plugin that gets loaded when CoreDNS can't find a Corefile to load.