Qnap [ PlexDrive ] [ 5.0.0 ] Plexdrive mounts your Google Drive FUSE filesystem (optimized for media playback)


Représentant QNAP
2 Janvier 2014
10 565

Source : https://github.com/dweidenfeld/plexdrive

Download : x86 (fw 4.2.6) / arm64 / x31 /x41 /x19 /x64


About :

Plexdrive allows you to mount your Google Drive account as read-only fuse filesystem, with direct delete option on the filesystem.

The project is comparable to projects like rclone, google-drive-ocamlfuse or node-gdrive-fuse, but optimized for media streaming e.g. with plex ;)

Please note that plexdrive doesn't currently support writes (adding new files or modifications), it only supports reading existing files and deletion.

[~] # plexdrive --help
Usage of plexdrive:
  --cache-file string
        Path the the cache file (default "/share/homes/admin/.plexdrive/cache.bolt")
  --chunk-check-threads int
        The number of threads to use for checking chunk existence (default 2)
  --chunk-load-ahead int
        The number of chunks that should be read ahead (default 3)
  --chunk-load-threads int
        The number of threads to use for downloading chunks (default 2)
  --chunk-size string
        The size of each chunk that is downloaded (units: B, K, M, G) (default "10M")
  -c, --config string
        The path to the configuration directory (default "/share/homes/admin/.plexdrive")
  -o, --fuse-options string
        Fuse mount options (e.g. -fuse-options allow_other,...)
  --gid int
        Set the mounts GID (-1 = default permissions) (default -1)
  --max-chunks int
        The maximum number of chunks to be stored on disk (default 8)
  --refresh-interval duration
        The time to wait till checking for changes (default 1m0s)
  --root-node-id string
        The ID of the root node to mount (use this for only mount a sub directory) (default "root")
  --uid int
        Set the mounts UID (-1 = default permissions) (default -1)
  --umask value
        Override the default file permissions
  -v, --verbosity int
        Set the log level (0 = error, 1 = warn, 2 = info, 3 = debug, 4 = trace)
        Displays program's version information