Qnap [ UrBackup ] [ ] Baremetal / Flat Files Backup Server

I have QNAP TS-459U+ in last version.

After up to date Qurbackup TSNASX86 to 2.5.30 , i have this error in qnap console :
"error while loading shared libraries: libdl.so.2: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32"

I can't open urbackup
Please can you help me ?
Ok thanks, it's possible to find the last 32 bit version who work with my Qnap ?
Updated: I see the 2.5.31 update. I updated. But it still didn't fix my speed issue. Any ideas as to why the performance is so slow: 4 KB / 13.12 MB That is after a few minutes. LOL

Two things:
  1. Can you update to 2.5.31?
  2. Solved: I am trying to get Nginx proxy to work with the the QNAP installed version. I was able to get an install working on a server with no issue in a DMZ. The QNAP version I have it in a DMZ, but the remote Internet users never show online so I can't do any backups. I have tried to route via proxy 55415, 55414, 35621, 35622 and 35623. I also tried port forwarding the same ports, and 1 to 1 NAT. Maybe I am missing something or a limitation of the QNAP version. I don't want to connect the QNAP direct to the Internet without a firewall or Application firewall. They get hacked often. I was able to modify the start script to enable internet only mode, but it still didn't seem to resolve the Online "No" for the client. I solved the issue. Seems Opnsense Nginx reverse proxy is not working correctly. I switched to HAproxy and websockets worked just fine. But I am noticing a few issues one is from a windows client I try to select Access/restore backups and it gives:
    Access denied
    Sorry, something went wrong or you do not have the required rights to access this file or folder.(token_decryption_failed)
    Login with username and password

    I also, noticed reinstalling a client the client doesn't connect. I have to restart HAproxy. Any ideas if there is something that would cause this? I also noticed the backup speed using wss://server/socket is really really slow compared to what it was before just using nginx. Is there something I am missing?
Any help would be appreciated.
Dernière édition:

Source : http://www.urbackup.org/

Download : x64 , x41,arm64, x31, armv5


Note :

Créer un répertoire partagé pour y stocker vos sauvegardes et dans la Web interface, programmé la destination comme /share/$nom-de-votre_partage

Create a shared directory to store your backup files and within the WebInterface, schedule the target directroy as /share/$your_share-name
ARMv5 version require MUSL TOOLCHAIN been installed on NAS as prior

MUSL : https://www.myqnap.org/product/musl-framework/ (for all armv7)

A propos :

UrBackup est un système open source de sauvegarde client / serveur, qui, grâce à une combinaison de sauvegardes d’images et de fichiers de données garantissant à la fois sécurité et un temps de restauration rapide.

Les sauvegardes de fichiers et des images sont faites à chaud alors que le système fonctionne sans interruption des processus actuels.
UrBackup également surveille en continu les dossiers que vous voulez sauvegarder, et effectue une sauvegarde différentielle.
Ainsi les sauvegardes de fichiers supplémentaires sont vraiment rapides.

Vos fichiers peuvent être restaurés par l’interface web ou l’Explorateur Windows, tandis que les sauvegardes de volumes de disques peuvent être restaurées sur un CD bootable ou clé USB (Bare Metal Restore).

Une interface web permet de configurer votre serveur de sauvegarde, propre très facile.
I have installed Urbackup on my QNAP.
Installed Version =
Use it in many environments (company, home etc.) for years.

The NAS servers are getting on in years. I want to migrate this to a new QNAP NAS without losing the settings and database.
With a new installation a new server_indent will be created so no client will be backed up as this no longer matches.
With a new installation also no settings are taken over.
Have checked this on our test system.
I deleted the original backup app and reinstalled it. All settings are gone.

Where on the QNAP is installed Urbackup.
Can you please write me all the paths together and tell me how to migrate this correctly on the QNAP so I don't lose any settings.

I have created a share URBACKUP on the QNAP. This is the backup directory there is also (see screenshot) a copy of the database and server settings stored.
But this is not the "working directory"

How can I find this via SSH?
The installation folder with all settings.

I guess the solution will be to copy the data away from the installation folder.
Then install the APP on the new QNAP.
Stop the APP.

Then transfer the data to the new QNAP and restart the APP.
Would this be a possibility for a migration?

Please help
Thanks for your support

Pièces jointes

  • urbackup_1.png
    163.8 KB · Affichages: 2

here is the Solution i found out

  • J'aime
Réactions: EVO
- QNAP QTS v5.1 (AMD x64)
- Server v2.5.31
how do we upgrade it to v2.5.32 keeping all the settings and history? (QNAP QTS v5.1 AMD x64)
Dernière édition:
i should keep untouched your config and migrate Database to new version
We tested, installing the new version through the App center worked, however how do we update the database with out having to restart the whole NAS? is there a command to do this from the web interface (UrBackup web or QNAP QTS web)?
Dernière édition:
thanks for providing urbackup on QNAP... but i cannot update my qnap TS-431X3 with the package? any chance to get the right package ? :> i have a TS-431