Qnap [ Prometheus ] [ ] The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database.


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2 Janvier 2014
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Source : https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus

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The Prometheus monitoring system and time series database.

Visit prometheus.io for the full documentation, examples and guides.

Prometheus, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation project, is a systems and service monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions, displays the results, and can trigger alerts if some condition is observed to be true.

Prometheus' main distinguishing features as compared to other monitoring systems are:

a multi-dimensional data model (timeseries defined by metric name and set of key/value dimensions)
a flexible query language to leverage this dimensionality
no dependency on distributed storage; single server nodes are autonomous
timeseries collection happens via a pull model over HTTP
pushing timeseries is supported via an intermediary gateway
targets are discovered via service discovery or static configuration
multiple modes of graphing and dashboarding support
support for hierarchical and horizontal federation

Dernière édition:

2.37.0 / 2022-07-14​

This release is a LTS (Long-Term Support) release of Prometheus and will
receive security, documentation and bugfix patches for at least 6 months.
Please read more about our LTS release cycle at
Following data loss by users due to lack of unified buffer cache in OpenBSD, we
will no longer release Prometheus upstream for OpenBSD until a proper solution is
found. #8799
  • [FEATURE] Nomad SD: New service discovery for Nomad built-in service discovery. #10915
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Kubernetes SD: Allow attaching node labels for endpoint role. #10759
  • [ENHANCEMENT] PromQL: Optimise creation of signature with/without labels. #10667
  • [ENHANCEMENT] TSDB: Memory optimizations. #10873 #10874
  • [ENHANCEMENT] TSDB: Reduce sleep time when reading WAL. #10859 #10878
  • [ENHANCEMENT] OAuth2: Add appropriate timeouts and User-Agent header. #11020
  • [BUGFIX] Alerting: Fix Alertmanager targets not being updated when alerts were queued. #10948
  • [BUGFIX] Hetzner SD: Make authentication files relative to Prometheus config file. #10813
  • [BUGFIX] Promtool: Fix promtool check config not erroring properly on failures. #10952
  • [BUGFIX] Scrape: Keep relabeled scrape interval and timeout on reloads. #10916
  • [BUGFIX] TSDB: Don't increment prometheus_tsdb_compactions_failed_total when context is canceled. #10772
  • [BUGFIX] TSDB: Fix panic if series is not found when deleting series. #10907
  • [BUGFIX] TSDB: Increase prometheus_tsdb_mmap_chunk_corruptions_total on out of sequence errors. #10406
  • [BUGFIX] Uyuni SD: Make authentication files relative to Prometheus configuration file and fix default configuration values. #10813

2.38.0 / 2022-08-16​

  • [FEATURE]: Web: Add a /api/v1/format_query HTTP API endpoint that allows pretty-formatting PromQL expressions. #11036 #10544 #11005
  • [FEATURE]: UI: Add support for formatting PromQL expressions in the UI. #11039
  • [FEATURE]: DNS SD: Support MX records for discovering targets. #10099
  • [FEATURE]: Templates: Add toTime() template function that allows converting sample timestamps to Go time.Time values. #10993
  • [ENHANCEMENT]: Kubernetes SD: Add __meta_kubernetes_service_port_number meta label indicating the service port number. #11002 #11053
  • [ENHANCEMENT]: Kubernetes SD: Add __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_image meta label indicating the container image. #11034 #11146
  • [ENHANCEMENT]: PromQL: When a query panics, also log the query itself alongside the panic message. #10995
  • [ENHANCEMENT]: UI: Tweak colors in the dark theme to improve the contrast ratio. #11068
  • [ENHANCEMENT]: Web: Speed up calls to /api/v1/rules by avoiding locks and using atomic types instead. #10858
  • [ENHANCEMENT]: Scrape: Add a no-default-scrape-port feature flag, which omits or removes any default HTTP :)80) or HTTPS :)443) ports in the target's scrape address. #9523
  • [BUGFIX]: TSDB: In the WAL watcher metrics, expose the type="exemplar" label instead of type="unknown" for exemplar records. #11008
  • [BUGFIX]: TSDB: Fix race condition around allocating series IDs during chunk snapshot loading. #11099
2.39.1 / 2022-10-07 Latest
[BUGFIX] Rules: Fix notifier relabel changing the labels on active alerts. #11427
[FEATURE] experimental TSDB: Add support for ingesting out-of-order samples. This is configured via out_of_order_time_window field in the config file; check config file docs for more info. #11075
[ENHANCEMENT] API: /-/healthy and /-/ready API calls now also respond to a HEAD request on top of existing GET support. #11160
[ENHANCEMENT] PuppetDB SD: Add __meta_puppetdb_query label. #11238
[ENHANCEMENT] AWS EC2 SD: Add __meta_ec2_region label. #11326
[ENHANCEMENT] AWS Lightsail SD: Add __meta_lightsail_region label. #11326
[ENHANCEMENT] Scrape: Optimise relabeling by re-using memory. #11147
[ENHANCEMENT] TSDB: Improve WAL replay timings. #10973 #11307 #11319
[ENHANCEMENT] TSDB: Optimise memory by not storing unnecessary data in the memory. #11280 #11288 #11296
[ENHANCEMENT] TSDB: Allow overlapping blocks by default. --storage.tsdb.allow-overlapping-blocks now has no effect. #11331
[ENHANCEMENT] UI: Click to copy label-value pair from query result to clipboard. #11229
[BUGFIX] TSDB: Turn off isolation for Head compaction to fix a memory leak. #11317
[BUGFIX] TSDB: Fix 'invalid magic number 0' error on Prometheus startup. #11338
[BUGFIX] PromQL: Properly close file descriptor when logging unfinished queries. #11148
[BUGFIX] Agent: Fix validation of flag options and prevent WAL from growing more than desired. #9876