Qnap [ QSABnzbdPlus ] [ 3.5.3 ] Usenet Downloader

JillyPolla a dit:
EDIT: I fixed this problem by installing Par2cmdline-MT

I guess I should have read back more, as this was already discussed. But if you also have this problem, search for par2 on QNAP Club repository and install Par2cmdline-MT. This will install par2 after which it will be available at /usr/bin/par2.

I get this occationally even with Par2cmdline installed. However restarting both this and SABnzbd fixes it, might only even need to restart only one or the other.
teroan a dit:
QoolBox a dit:
dont understand why you need that

it is already updating it on SABnzbd start with a

/opt/QSabNZBdPlus/bin/pip install sabyenc --upgrade

If i'd known that was possible, anyways thanks for the help! :-D

You probably want to run to get the correct version?

pip install sabyenc==3.3.1

Hello, I have the same problem but
pip install sabyenc==3.3.1
didn't work. I restarted the NAS but I still have the message 3.3.1 expected.

[~] # pip install sabyenc==3.3.1
Requirement already satisfied: sabyenc==3.3.1 in /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/Entware-3x/lib/python2.7/site-packages
[~] # /opt/QSabNZBdPlus/bin/pip install sabyenc --upgrade
Requirement already up-to-date: sabyenc in /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSabNZBdPlus/lib/python2.7/site-packages

Am I missing something ?
Ok merci beaucoup

Pour aider au cas où

[/] # /opt/QSabNZBdPlus/bin/pip uninstall sabyenc
Uninstalling sabyenc-3.3.2:
Proceed (y/n)? y
  Successfully uninstalled sabyenc-3.3.2
[/] # /opt/QSabNZBdPlus/bin/pip install sabyenc==3.3.1
Collecting sabyenc==3.3.1
  Downloading sabyenc-3.3.1-cp27-cp27m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
Installing collected packages: sabyenc
Successfully installed sabyenc-3.3.1
fyi, SABnzbd 2.3.2 has been released

Changes since 2.3.1
SABYenc updated to 3.3.2 to fix rare crash during downloading
Minor updates of SABYenc (such as 3.3.2) are no longer mandatory
Article Cache is automatically set to 25% of system memory, if no custom value was set. Maximum set by auto-detect is 1GB
Simplify Config pages by hiding Advanced Settings
Added option '%dn' to Date Sorting to rename files as job name
Added 'Job Name as Folder Name' as Sorting Preset for de-obfuscation
Server usage graphs are now linked to make comparing servers easier
URLs that fail to fetch due to server errors will only be retried 10x
Delay between URL retries increases when not specified by server
First article of each file is downloaded first to identify filenames
Jobs finished by Direct Unpack will be post-processed first
If available, 7zip will be used instead of unzip
Job password entered by user is always shown in History
Password is also extracted from filename in case of custom job name
Add per-day download-statistics to 'server_stats' API-call
Added Hebrew date-time texts

Bugfixes since 2.3.1
Dropped connections could result in stalled downloads
Pre-queue scripts would fail to run
Pre-queue script output was not always parsed correctly
Notifications were always sent for 'Default' category
'History Retention' also checked on start of program
macOS: Restore full compatibility with macOS 10.11
Windows: Unpacking could fail due to paths not being quoted
Windows: All input parameters to scripts are now quoted
Windows: Complete folder in root of drive could crash post-processing
Windows: Automatically correct 'Extra Par2 Parameters' for MultiPar
Windows: Prevent potential pause/unpause loop after tray icon click
QoolBox a dit:
I dont use entware for QSabnzbd.. you have to call the pip from QSAbnzbd path

For some reason i got the same issue again and was having problems with Entware-ng. It get was not installing into the QSabNZBdPlus. Using the fullpath to the pip fixed this, assuming QSabNZBdPlus is running. In case someone newbie like me is having this problem, this solved it for me.

/opt/QSabNZBdPlus/bin/pip install sabyenc==3.3.2

J'ai installé mon TS-128a tout neuf avec un Seagate Barracuda 4To.

Tout est à jour.

Seul PLEX tourne sur ce NAS.

J'accède à mes répertoires paratagés depuis windows 10, PLEX fonctionne bien avec ma Mi Box 3 sous ATV.

J'ai un accès à NEWSHOSTING.

J'ai donc tenté l'expérience SabNZB pour télécharger directement sur le NAS sans passer par le PC et le logiciel Newshosting.

J'ai installé la version proposée sur https://qnapclub.eu/fr/qpkg/233, c'est à dire la 2.3.4 et télécharger la version TS-x28a.

Ok sur l'installation. Le service se lance correctement et accède à l'interface web en local.

J'avais une erreur sur les par2cmdline-MT. J'ai donc téléchargé le dernier paquet https://qnapclub.eu/fr/qpkg/425 comme recommandé par d'autres utilisateurs du forum. Après un redémarrage, plus d'erreur à ce niveau. Tout semble OK. J'ai modifié les répertoires de base, créés au préalable sous windows 10 (si je laisse SabNZB créer les répertoires, j'ai des problèmes de droit sur ces répertoires ensuite depuis les partages windows...) par :
Temp : /share/Download/Newsgroup/Temp
Terminées : /share/Download/Newsgroup
A surveiller : /share/Download/Newsgroup/A Telecharger

Pas de problème d'accès à ces réperetoires depuis windows ou l'interface du Qnap.

Je mets donc mon premier *.nzb dans de répertoire à telecharger", mais j'ai l'erreur suivante (idem en passant directement par l'interface de SabNZB) :

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSabNZBdPlus/SABnzbd/sabnzbd/dirscanner.py", line 223, in ProcessSingleFile
nzo_info=nzo_info, url=url, reuse=reuse, dup_check=dup_check)
File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSabNZBdPlus/SABnzbd/sabnzbd/nzbstuff.py", line 758, in __init__
parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSabNZBdPlus/lib/python2.7/xml/sax/__init__.py", line 93, in make_parser
raise SAXReaderNotAvailable("No parsers found", None)
SAXReaderNotAvailable: No parsers found

Je ne comprend pas du tout ce que cela peu bien vouloir dire. En tout cas, cela ne marche pas...

Je veux votre aide sur ce coup, là, je bloque.
Ci dessous les dernières lignes du log avec débug :

IOError: [Errno socket error] [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:661)
2018-08-13 13:04:30,729::INFO::[zconfig:64] No Bonjour/ZeroConfig support installed
2018-08-13 13:05:42,389::INFO::[interface:2470] Re-adding orphaned job /share/Download/Newsgroup/Temp/5aY8uZz37f4KQDa
2018-08-13 13:05:42,390::INFO::[__init__:920] [sabnzbd.nzbqueue.all_verified] /share/Download/Newsgroup/Temp/5aY8uZz37f4KQDa/__ADMIN__/__verified__ missing
2018-08-13 13:05:42,390::DEBUG::[nzbqueue:222] Repair job 5aY8uZz37f4KQDa without stored NZB
2018-08-13 13:05:42,392::DEBUG::[misc:177] Cat->Attrib cat=* pp=3 script=None prio=0
2018-08-13 13:05:42,393::INFO::[__init__:920] [sabnzbd.nzbstuff.check_existing_files] /share/Download/Newsgroup/Temp/5aY8uZz37f4KQDa/__ADMIN__/__renames__ missing
2018-08-13 13:05:42,397::INFO::[nzbqueue:799] [sabnzbd.nzbqueue.add] Ending job 5aY8uZz37f4KQDa
2018-08-13 13:05:42,398::INFO::[postproc:94] Saving postproc queue
2018-08-13 13:05:42,400::DEBUG::[__init__:959] [sabnzbd.postproc.save] Saving data for postproc2.sab in /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSabNZBdPlus/SAB_CONFIG/<USERNAME>/postproc2.sab
2018-08-13 13:05:42,439::INFO::[postproc:343] Starting Post-Processing on 5aY8uZz37f4KQDa => Repair:False, Unpack:False, Delete:True, Script:None, Cat:*
2018-08-13 13:05:42,440::INFO::[postproc:566] Cleaning up 5aY8uZz37f4KQDa (keep_basic=True)
2018-08-13 13:05:42,441::INFO::[nzbstuff:1726] [sabnzbd.nzbqueue.cleanup_nzo] Purging data for job 5aY8uZz37f4KQDa (keep_basic=True, del_files=False)
2018-08-13 13:05:42,443::DEBUG::[misc:1201] [sabnzbd.misc.remove_all] Deleting file /share/Download/Newsgroup/Temp/5aY8uZz37f4KQDa/__ADMIN__/SABnzbd_nzo_l18_Uu
2018-08-13 13:05:42,445::DEBUG::[misc:1207] [sabnzbd.nzbstuff.purge_data] Deleting dir /share/Download/Newsgroup/Temp/5aY8uZz37f4KQDa
2018-08-13 13:05:42,445::DEBUG::[nzbstuff:1753] Folder not removed: /share/Download/Newsgroup/Temp/5aY8uZz37f4KQDa
2018-08-13 13:05:42,506::INFO::[database:272] Added job 5aY8uZz37f4KQDa to history
2018-08-13 13:05:42,507::INFO::[postproc:94] Saving postproc queue
2018-08-13 13:05:42,508::DEBUG::[__init__:959] [sabnzbd.postproc.save] Saving data for postproc2.sab in /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSabNZBdPlus/SAB_CONFIG/<USERNAME>/postproc2.sab
2018-08-13 13:05:42,508::INFO::[downloader:301] Post-processing finished, resuming download
2018-08-13 13:05:46,509::INFO::[nzbqueue:277] Saving queue
2018-08-13 13:05:46,510::DEBUG::[__init__:959] [sabnzbd.nzbqueue.save] Saving data for queue10.sab in /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSabNZBdPlus/SAB_CONFIG/<USERNAME>/queue10.sab
2018-08-13 13:05:46,524::DEBUG::[__init__:959] [sabnzbd.bpsmeter.save] Saving data for totals10.sab in /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSabNZBdPlus/SAB_CONFIG/<USERNAME>/totals10.sab
2018-08-13 13:05:46,525::DEBUG::[__init__:959] [sabnzbd.rss.save] Saving data for rss_data.sab in /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSabNZBdPlus/SAB_CONFIG/<USERNAME>/rss_data.sab
2018-08-13 13:05:46,526::DEBUG::[__init__:959] [sabnzbd.dirscanner.save] Saving data for watched_data2.sab in /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSabNZBdPlus/SAB_CONFIG/<USERNAME>/watched_data2.sab
2018-08-13 13:05:46,527::INFO::[postproc:94] Saving postproc queue
2018-08-13 13:05:46,527::DEBUG::[__init__:959] [sabnzbd.postproc.save] Saving data for postproc2.sab in /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSabNZBdPlus/SAB_CONFIG/<USERNAME>/postproc2.sab
2018-08-13 13:06:20,895::INFO::[dirscanner:378] Trying to import /share/Download/Newsgroup/A Telecharger/5aY8uZz37f4KQDa.nzb
2018-08-13 13:06:21,900::INFO::[misc:992] Creating directories: /share/Download/Newsgroup/Temp/5aY8uZz37f4KQDa.1
2018-08-13 13:06:21,902::DEBUG::[misc:1623] Applying permissions 0777 (octal) to /share/Download/Newsgroup/Temp/5aY8uZz37f4KQDa.1
2018-08-13 13:06:21,906::ERROR::[dirscanner:240] Erreur lors de l'ajout de 5aY8uZz37f4KQDa.nzb, suppression
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSabNZBdPlus/SABnzbd/sabnzbd/dirscanner.py", line 223, in ProcessSingleFile
nzo_info=nzo_info, url=url, reuse=reuse, dup_check=dup_check)
File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSabNZBdPlus/SABnzbd/sabnzbd/nzbstuff.py", line 758, in __init__
parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
File "/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/QSabNZBdPlus/lib/python2.7/xml/sax/__init__.py", line 93, in make_parser
raise SAXReaderNotAvailable("No parsers found", None)
SAXReaderNotAvailable: No parsers found
2018-08-13 13:06:35,302::INFO::[database:239] [sabnzbd.api.del_hist_job] Removing job SABnzbd_nzo_l18_Uu from history
2018-08-13 13:06:35,304::DEBUG::[misc:1201] [sabnzbd.misc.remove_all] Deleting file /share/Download/Newsgroup/Temp/5aY8uZz37f4KQDa/__ADMIN__/__renames__
2018-08-13 13:06:35,305::DEBUG::[misc:1201] [sabnzbd.misc.remove_all] Deleting file /share/Download/Newsgroup/Temp/5aY8uZz37f4KQDa/__ADMIN__/SABnzbd_attrib
2018-08-13 13:06:35,306::DEBUG::[misc:1207] [sabnzbd.misc.remove_all] Deleting dir /share/Download/Newsgroup/Temp/5aY8uZz37f4KQDa/__ADMIN__
2018-08-13 13:06:35,307::DEBUG::[misc:1207] [sabnzbd.misc.remove_all] Deleting dir /share/Download/Newsgroup/Temp/5aY8uZz37f4KQDa
J'ai réglé mon problème en désinstallant SABNZB et Par2cmd... et réinstallant tout avec le script sherpa trouvé sur le site web de SabNzb dans la section installation NAS : Install SABnzbd on a NAS. Ca fonctionne Ok
J'ai installe la derniere version et dans mon NAS je voie que la version devrait etre mais si je vais dans Sabnzbplus la version est encore 2.3.4.
la ... c'est un fix de la 2.3.5 probleme de multilanguage à l'installeur

c'est pourtant bien les fichiers de la 2.3.5

# $PYTHON SABnzbd.py --version


Copyright (C) 2007-2018, The SABnzbd-Team <team@sabnzbd.org>
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. It is licensed under the
GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 or (at your option) any later version.

pas le cache de ton navigateur qui ferait des siennes