Qnap [ SickChill ] [ 2022.12.15 ] SickRage fork


Représentant QNAP
2 Janvier 2014
10 565

Source : arm-x41, arm64, x86_64

Apache80 https://www.myqnap.org/product/sickchill3-apache80/
Apache81 https://www.myqnap.org/product/sickchill3-apache81/
Apache82 https://www.myqnap.org/product/sickchill3-apache82/

Automatic Video Library Manager for TV Shows. It watches for new episodes of your favorite shows, and when they are posted it does its magic.


Kodi/XBMC library updates, poster/banner/fanart downloads, and NFO/TBN generation
Configurable automatic episode renaming, sorting, and other processing
Easily see what episodes you're missing, are airing soon, and more
Automatic torrent/nzb searching, downloading, and processing at the qualities you want
Largest list of supported torrent and nzb providers, both public and private
Can notify Kodi, XBMC, Growl, Trakt, Twitter, and more when new episodes are available
Searches TheTVDB.com and AniDB.net for shows, seasons, episodes, and metadata
Episode status management allows for mass failing seasons/episodes to force retrying
DVD Order numbering for returning the results in DVD order instead of Air-By-Date order
Allows you to choose which indexer to have SickRage search its show info from when importing
Automatic XEM Scene Numbering/Naming for seasons/episodes
Available for any platform, uses a simple HTTP interface
Specials and multi-episode torrent/nzb support
Automatic subtitles matching and downloading
Improved failed download handling
DupeKey/DupeScore for NZBGet 12+
Real SSL certificate validation
Supports Anime shows

Dernière édition:

I just found out that the SickChill developers created an own SickChill package guideline (QSickChill) for QNAP devices to fix problems because of the hijack of the repo.

Best regards

missed x86_64 and arm_64 on this repo

my version is with full dependency (all libs up to date) + git embedded

but not built for old x86 and x31
QoolBox a dit:

missed x86_64 and arm_64 on this repo

my version is with full dependency (all libs up to date) + git embedded

but not built for old x86 and x31

Yes, ofcourse your package is the most convenient as the other method has dependancies and you have to compile yourself.
So your package will likely be the default for qnap in the future.

Thanks and best regards
Impossible de faire les mise a jour:

"Impossible de trouver l'exécutable de git - Arrêtez SickChill et SOIT ajouter git_path dans le fichier config.ini OU supprimez votre dossier .git et exécuter à partir des source pour effectuer les mises à jour."

j'ai installé "QGit" et j'ai regardé dans le fichier de conf de Sickchill mais je trouve rien.

EDIT: j'ai rien dit, après redémarrage du nas cela fonctionne.

thank you for the update.
Is it just me, or ist the update function not working in the new version?
I only get this message "There is a newer version available — Update Now".
With clicking on "Update Now" I only get linked to following url https://pypi.org/project/sickchill/2020.9.16.post3/ and no execution of an update script.

Best regards
LennyM a dit:

thank you for the update.
Is it just me, or ist the update function not working in the new version?
I only get this message "There is a newer version available — Update Now".
With clicking on "Update Now" I only get linked to following url https://pypi.org/project/sickchill/2020.9.16.post3/ and no execution of an update script.

Best regards

any answer?

Thank you
it doesnt use pip3 for installation

upgrade can only be done with Git command... I need to double check

sorry working on a big project .. and it takes a lot of my free time
thank you.
An where and how should I execute the git command?
I tried to do that in the following path


But there is no git file to pull and I receive follwojng error:

[/share/CE_CACHEDEV2_DATA/.qpkg/QSickChill3/SickChill] # git pull
fatal: not a git repository (or any parent up to mount point /share)
Stopping at filesystem boundary (GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM not set).

Best regards

can you please update the installer. The current version has problems with old git version and dependencies.

Best regards
Dernière édition:

I see there is a SickChill (Apache 80) in the store.
It seems to work but the Timezone is not as what the system ist is.

Best regards and thank you

in the Sickchill Apache 80 application the following error happens when updating. I think some features in python are missing:

AA TypeError: update() missing 1 required positional argument: 'pid'
AA return function()
AA File "/opt/SickChill80/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sickchill/views/index.py", line 190, in async_call
AA result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
AA File "/opt/Apache80/lib/python3.8/concurrent/futures/thread.py", line 57, in run
AA value = future.result()
AA File "/opt/SickChill80/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tornado/gen.py", line 762, in run
AA results = yield self.async_call(method)
AA File "/opt/SickChill80/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sickchill/views/index.py", line 164, in get
AA yielded = self.gen.throw(*exc_info) # type: ignore
AA File "/opt/SickChill80/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tornado/gen.py", line 769, in run
AA result = await result
AA File "/opt/SickChill80/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tornado/web.py", line 1704, in _execute
AA Traceback (most recent call last):
AA During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
AA TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "Version") to str
AA self._notify_pht(update_text + new_version, title)
AA File "/opt/SickChill80/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sickchill/oldbeard/notifiers/plex.py", line 71, in notify_git_update
AA n.notify_git_update(new_version)
AA File "/opt/SickChill80/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sickchill/oldbeard/notifiers/__init__.py", line 115, in notify_git_update
AA notifiers.notify_git_update(settings.CUR_COMMIT_HASH or "")
AA File "/opt/SickChill80/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sickchill/update_manager/pip.py", line 80, in update
AA return self.updater.update()
AA File "/opt/SickChill80/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sickchill/update_manager/runner.py", line 308, in update
AA if updater.update():
AA File "/opt/SickChill80/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sickchill/views/home.py", line 687, in update
AA return function(**kwargs)
AA File "/opt/SickChill80/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sickchill/views/index.py", line 188, in async_call
AA Traceback (most recent call last):