Qnap [ Mylar ] [ 0.7.0 ] An automated Comic Book downloader (cbr/cbz)


Représentant QNAP
2 Janvier 2014
10 580

source : https://github.com/mylar3/mylar3

Download :


Note :

Listen on 49990 by default
datadir set in /opt/Mylar3/

About :
This fork is a Work-In-Progress, but should still be stable enough for daily use.
Mylar is an automated Comic Book (cbr/cbz) downloader program for use with NZB and torrents written in python. It supports SABnzbd, NZBGET, and many torrent clients in addition to DDL.

It will allow you to monitor weekly pull-lists for items belonging to user-specific series to download, as well as being able to monitor story-arcs. Support for TPB's and GN's is also available.

This program is considered an "Alpha release" but is in active development. It is not bug-free, but it does work!

Support & Discussion
You are free to join the Mylar support community on IRC where you can ask questions, hang around and discuss anything related to Mylar.

Use any IRC client and connect to the Freenode server, irc.freenode.net.
Join the #mylar channel.
Say hello!
The Mylar Forums are also online @ https://forum.mylarcomics.com
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