QNAP [firmware release] QTS for all model


Représentant QNAP
2 Janvier 2014
10 599
QTS for all model(besides TS-X28 & TAS-X68)

vous l'attendiez tous la voici :mrgreen:

QTS build 20170413

[Important Notes]

- Important: QTS 4.3.x runs on a 64-bit system architecture and may not support some 32-bit applications. To check if installed apps on your NAS are compatible with QTS 4.3.x, 
  download the QTS 64-bit compatibility tool and install it on your current QTS build.(http://download.qnap.com/QPKG/CF64_0.1-1114.qpkg.zip)
- QTS 4.3.x is the final available firmware update for the following models: 
  TS-112P, TS-212P, TS-212-E, HS-210, TS-112, TS-212, TS-121, TS-221, TS-421 TS-120, TS-220, TS-420, TS-420U, TS-421U TS-412, TS-412U, TS-419U, TS-419U+, 
  TS-419U II, TS-119P II, TS-219P II, TS-419P II, TS-119P+, TS-219P+, TS-419P+, TS-119P, TS-219P, TS-419P, TS-119, TS-219, TS-419
- The release of QTS operating system for the models that are not included in the support list will be coming soon. For the status of QTS updates and maintenance for your NAS model, 
  visit https://www.qnap.com/en/product/eol.php

[New Feature]


QTS Desktop
- More customization options have been added to the login screen.

Resource Monitor
- Added the Resource Monitor QTS App.
- Added support for viewing the details of CPU usage, the status of processes, and the activity of storage pools in Resource Monitor.

Audio Alert
- Added additional audio alerts

- Added a firmware update notification.
- Added browser notifications.

- Added support for Samba 4.4.

Domain Security
- Added support for redundant domain controllers.

- Added support for certificates from Let's Encrypt.
- Users can now be forced to change their passwords on a regular basis.

- Privilege settings have been added for domain users.

Storage Manager
- Added the ability for Qtier to automatically tier data when the CPU/system is idle.
- Added support for viewing and managing external devices in tree structures.
- Added the option to erase external storage devices.
- Added support for the linear expansion of static volumes through expansion units.
- Added new disk icons in Storage Manager to help distinguish between HDDs and SSDs.
- Added support for creating read/write cache with single drive, RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 10 configurations.
- Users can now obtain support for exFAT file system through purchasing the exFAT driver license.
- Added support for installing up to 4 REXP-1000 Pro expansion units on the TVS-x73 series.

- Added support for snapshot timeline mode.

- Added support for replicating snapshot vault volumes/LUN to the another remote snapshot vault.

Time Machine
- Time Machine now supports the SMB protocol.

File Station
- Added a rename policy for filename conflicts when copying/moving files.
- Settings are now provided for other NAS users to use on-the-fly transcoding.
- Remote connection now supports automatically finding local devices.
- Enhanced the File Station UI to provide a better user experience.
- Enhanced the UI of the share link page on mobile devices.
- File integrity is now checked when copying/moving files.
- Qsync team folders can now be accessed in File Station.
- Add support for creating a snapshot shared folder with dedicated volume.
- Added support for external USB/SATA optical disc drives. File Station can now read optical discs used for data storage purposes. Note that this feature is not available on the TS-x10, TS-x12, TS-x19, TS-x20, TS-x21, and TS-x69 series.

- FTP connections can now have higher speed transfers.

- Added support for NFSv4
- NFS now supports IPV6

- The unmapped iSCSI LUN list has been added to the to iSCSI Target List.

- Port trunking general warnings have been replaced with individual warnings.
- Users can now examine the change in network status after a system restart.
- Network & Virtual Switch now provides Basic Mode and Advanced Mode to meet different needs.
- Virtual Switch 
  (1) Added support for the combination of different physical adapters, virtual adapters. of virtual machines, virtual adapters of containers, and Thunderbolt interfaces. 
  (2) Added support for STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) to prevent network loops. 
  (3) Added support for NAT (Network Address Translation). 
  (4) Virtual switches can now be set as the default gateway.

- Integrated VPN Server and Client into QVPN Service.
- Added support for L2TP/IPsec VPN clients.
- OpenVPN clients now support importing OVPN files to establish connections.
- Added support for domain users to use VPN services.

Web Server
- Added support for HTTP/2 (x86 models only).

Photo Station
- Keyboard shortcuts can now be used the media viewer.
- Enhanced the UI for multi-zone streaming controls.
- Integrated media folder settings from the Control Panel.
- Enhanced the Manage Mode UI (Integrated albums and smart albums).
- Added support for advanced folder permission settings.
- Added support for domain users to log in.

Music Station
- Added multimedia streaming support for Sonos devices.
- Enhanced the Music Station UI to provide a better user experience.
- Added support for domain users to log in.
- Added an advanced search function.
- Output devices can now be set for the Music Alarm.
- Added a mini player.

Video Station
- Improved the UI for multizone streaming.
- Added support for advanced folder permission settings.
- Subtitles can now be embedded into videos when playing them.
- Privilege controls have been added to multizone streaming and on-the-fly transcoding.
- Improved the video upload procedure.
- Improved the UI for opening share links.
- Added support for LDAP users.
- Bookmarks can now be added to videos.
- Added the ability to download information from TheTVDB.
- Files over 2GB can now be uploaded.
- Subtitles can now be displayed for MKV and ISO files.
- Added an advanced search function.
- Videos can now be uploaded to YouTube and Youku.
- Different audio tracks are now supported.
- Improved the UI for TV series information.
- Added the Atmovies for Movie extension to provide an online movie database in Traditional Chinese.

Download Station
- Users now can monitor the seeding progress.
- Users can now monitor the progress of downloading FTP folders.
- Enhanced the Download Station UI to provide a better user experience.
- Open source add-ons can now be added to Download Station.
- Specific network interfaces for Download Station can now be set up.

Help Center
- Enhanced the Help Center UI to provide a better user experience.

App Center
- Apps can now send notifications and be automatically updated.

- Added support for establishing CloudLink connections during Cloud installation.


QTS Desktop
- Enhanced the interface of the log-in screen and QTS desktop.

- Adds 64 bit support for firmware and apps for x86-based NAS (TS-x51, x53, x63, x69, x70, x71, x79, x80, x82, x89 series and IS-400 Pro).

- Added support for MariaDB 5.5.47

Event Logs
- Users can now choose to compress the automatically saved logs.

- Enhanced the Notification UI.
- Enhanced the user interface of notification emails.
- Enhanced the push service.

Shared Folder
- A warning message has been added to confirm the removal of shared folders.

- A warning message has been added to inform users about apps that may be affected when the contents of a snapshot are restored.
- When reverting to a snapshot, a warning message will now display apps that will be affected after the reversion.

Virtualization Station
- Enhanced the Virtualization Station UI to provide a better user experience.

Web Server
- Added support for PHP 5.6

Firmware update
- Users can now choose intervals to check for firmware updates.

- Warning event notifications are now provided when volumes are locked.


- Fixed an issue where an error message would occur when users tested the camera configuration on QUSBCam after updating QTS to
- Fixed an issue where users could not connect to the Internet using PPPoE 2.1.0 after updating QTS to 4.3.2 or 4.3.3.
- Fixed an issue where non-administrator users could not upload files with alternate data streams to the NAS.
- Fixed an issue where the name of guest users who connected to the NAS via Samba would be incorrectly displayed on the "Online Users" list.
- Fixed an issue where users could not upload files that were larger than 3 GB via SMB to an external drive whose file system was FAT32 or EXT3.
- Fixed an issue where the NAS could not wake up from Sleep Mode after users created a port trunking group in the Balance-alb mode.
- Fixed an issue where Storage Manager could not display certain types of external drives when these devices were connected to the NAS via USB 2.0 ports.
- Fixed an issue where users could not create a domain account on Gmail Backup after updating QTS to
- Fixed an issue where entries erroneously reporting fan failures would appear on the system logs on the TS-831X.
- Fixed an issue where users could not create port trunking groups when "Force secure connection (HTTPS) only" was enabled in Control Panel.

[Other Changes]

- Download Station
  Users can now be notified when downloads complete (instead of when download tasks complete).
- Added support for the USB 3.1 PCIe card USB-U31A2P01 on the following NAS models: TVS-463/663/863/863+, TS-563, TS-463U/863U/1263U, TVS-471/671/871, TVS-471U/671U/871U, TVS-682/882/1282, TVS-682T/882/1282T, and TES-1885U/3085U.
- Virtualization Station
  Due to advancements in the backup features, virtual machines created in older versions (1.x/2.x) of Virtualization Station can no longer be backed up and restored in 3.0. (A workaround is to clone an older Virtual Machine; the cloned VM can be backed up/restored, but all original snapshots will be removed)
- After updating the NAS managed by Q'center to 4.3.2, the administrator of Q'center must input the password of each NAS at Q'center Server to continue monitoring.
- TwonkyMedia is no longer supported. Use the DLNA Media Server built into QTS as your DLNA server.

super news ca ☺️ merci du partage !
mais je vais quand même attendre une petite semaine avant de me lancer...
bonjour à tous,
j'ai un TS-251, et 99% de l'utilisation de mon NAS passe par KODI ; autant vous dire que je suis très déçu de l'annonce de la suppression de KODI.
aujourd'hui, je suis en toujours en version officiel QNAP, à savoir KODI 16.02 pour l'instant tout fonctionne correctement ; mais si j'effectue la MAJ vers QTS 4.3.3, vais-je perdre KODI ? type : incompatibilité, bugs divers et variés, etc.

en fouillant un peu sur internet, j'ai cru comprendre qu'une version KODI 17 est disponible, mais visiblement, ce n'est pas stable ; donc pour l'instant je reste sur la dernière version proposé par QNAP.

Je ne vois pas le TS-253 Pro :o , est-ce normal ? Une date est-elle prévue pour ce model ? :P

Mon TS 451 A est à jour Hop :-) Bon avec ma poisse je vais bien trouver un bug lol

Quand je me suis connecté sur mon QNAP j'ai eu une fenêtre avec les changements ( avec des articles détaillés pas juste une ligne indiquant tel changement ) etc, mais 100 % en anglais. Vous avez le lien pour la version FR ?


Question bête : quand on met à jour le firmware , est ce que les applications installés se mettent à jour pour migrer vers leurs versions 64bits ? Sans trop perdre de chose
Concernant Kodi17 Krypton que j'avais installé depuis le forum QNAP, je dois donc le migrer vers une version 64bits ? Elle est déjà disponible ?
Twonky plus compatible aussi apparement ...

Edit1 : à force de recevoir des messages d'incompatibilités, je viens de recevoir ceci :
Oui j'ai fais la MAJ [emoji106]
Tu sais à tout hasard combien de temps mon mobile est banni des notifications par le service myqnapcloud ?
QoolBox a dit:
pas celle du repo QnapClub, il faudra le faire à la mano

Est-ce que par contre si on édite le qpkg list à la main pour rajouter le store de QnapClub, mnt le store pourra prendre en compte les x64?

En plus, je veux signaler l'app qu'on attendait tous: Browser Station (beta)

Il s'agit, à travers un container, d'avoir un Browser (Google Chrome) intégré dans nos NAS. Cela veut dire qu'on pourra accèder à tous les sites comme si on était à la maison (sans les blocs au travail, bibliothèque, etc.).

Pour l'instant le son et la vidéo pourtant ne marchent pas, mais je sais que ça va venir!!!

Bravo qnap!!!
QoolBox a dit:
Maintenant que tu en parles je vois l utilité de browser station..lol

Envoyé de mon SM-G925F en utilisant Tapatalk

tu sais, tous les reverse proxy que j'ai du mettre en place? ben, avec browser station j'en ai plus tellement besoin! :)

Et si en futur qnap donnera la possibilité de faire du streaming audio/vidéo (hybrid mode, je sais que c'est en test et que ça marche déjà), ça veut dire qu'on n'aura plus de restrictions :)

Pour info, le tout se base sur Docker (system-docker) et noVNC et il y a la possibilité de faire copy/paste et plusieurs utilisateurs. Le tout marche sur les ports utilisées par QTS, donc en https aussi :)

Je pense que FX devra faire un post au plus vite pour annoncer ce paquet, car il sera (surtout dans le futur, quand on pourra regarder YouTube par exemple dans BS) quelque chose qu'on n'a jamais vu dans les NAS, ni sur les PC avec cette simplicité. :mrgreen: